Press Release Headlines

Dale Buchanan's Supreme Ultimate Fitness Brings Quick Results to South Florida Residents

A Unique Approach to Fitness

BOCA RATON, Fla., Oct. 5, 2009 — After only 3 months upon opening its doors to the public, Dale Buchanan's Supreme Ultimate Fitness is having a huge impact on the health and well-being of the South Florida community. Students are shedding pounds, losing inches, and building strength. They are getting in the best shape of their lives without having to step foot in a traditional gym or spend a fortune on personal training.

Jeanette Koch, a 63-year-old Boca Raton resident, doubled her strength by the third class. "I love the way I feel after class, I have never felt this good before. I'm not an athlete so at first I was sore, but now I feel fantastic and get such a rush from each class," says Jeanette.

Dale uses tools such as Kettlebells, TRX Suspension Trainer, and sandbags. No machines or weights like you would see in a typical gym. This system is more effective because it is a total body workout that integrates strength, cardio, flexibility, and mind/body together in one 45-minute workout.

Hugh Williamson of Ft. Lauderdale no longer has back pain, has increased strength, and loves the cardio and strength combination of each class without having to go to the gym. Hugh explains, "I've been weight training and doing aerobic activities at chain gyms for many years with several trainers here and there because I wasn't seeing dramatic results. In the six weeks since joining SUF I've dropped inches instead of pounds and muscle definition is beginning to show. I wish I had discovered SUF's mix of kettlebells, TRX, sandbags and T'ai Chi years ago."

Angel Johnston from Deerfield Beach came to one of Dale's Meetups in August and signed up shortly after. She says, "I love the full body workouts and the complete fitness system Dale has created. I've lost 10 lbs. already and increased strength and cardio as well."

This type of fitness system is tailored to each student's needs, age, and fitness level. These are the exact same workouts that Dale does for himself and he is sharing them with his students, using only what works to get results quickly and effectively. The goal is to provide a high-intensity full body workout followed by movements from T'ai Chi, a soft flowing system of intrinsic exercise which provides recovery, calmness, stress reduction, and healing to the body and mind.

Dale can achieve these results with each student because everything at Supreme Ultimate fitness is done in small groups of 4-8 people so personal attention to each individual is provided while having the support and camaraderie of a group. Plus, each new student spends one hour with Dale so he can assess their strength, cardiovascular system, body composition, any injuries, and how well the body functions. Video testimonials can be found on Dale's Website. You can also see videos of Dale's personal workouts and actual footage of him teaching classes at

Dale explains, "Everyone, including myself, is getting results from my fitness system and that is what's most important to me. I have also rehabbed a torn shoulder Labrum from 2005 by using my fitness system regularly. It has recovered 100% and is actually stronger than ever."