Press Release Headlines

Boca Raton, FL Becomes Home of Dale Buchanan's Supreme Ultimate Fitness

… Unique Workout Experience

BOCA RATON, Fla., July 6, 2009 — After 25 years in the fitness industry teaching martial arts, T'ai Chi, personal training, and other fitness classes, Dale Buchanan, a Washington, DC native, has created an entirely new fitness system and will be teaching it to South Florida in his new studio located in Boca Raton. It's called Supreme Ultimate Fitness and is a combination of High Intensity Fitness Training and T'ai Chi.

High Intensity Fitness Training uses tools such as the Russian Kettlebell, TRX Suspension Trainer, sandbags, and bodyweight exercises (there are no machines or free weights) to get the student using maximal muscular and cardiovascular effort in a very safe and enjoyable environment. After the class and on days of rest the students are doing T'ai Chi, which is a soft flowing system of exercise which provides active recovery, calmness, stress reduction, and healing to the body and mind. In fact, the Supreme Ultimate is the synonym for T'ai Chi or the Yin-Yang symbol, which represents total balance of everything in the universe, such as hot/cold, night/day, male/female, etc.

"It's a total Yin-Yang system of fitness. I combine the hard and the soft in one workout and in the complete fitness program," explains Dale. "You simply cannot push the body to the limit each and every day and for long periods of time. It needs rest and recovery; even elite athletes should be doing this. It saves the body from overtraining and more importantly injury."

Everything at Supreme Ultimate Fitness is done in small groups of 4-8 people so attention to each person is provided while having the support and camaraderie of a group. Each set of the workout is done with mindfulness and focus on the entire body at all times. Each class is like a moving meditation in itself. This is much different from a traditional aerobics or group exercise class with 30-50 people with loud music and an instructor yelling at you through a microphone.

"This is how Supreme Ultimate Fitness was designed as a fitness system and the creation of the new studio in Downtown Boca Raton. I know the importance and power of bringing the principles of T'ai Chi into one's workouts and lives. These include: proper breathing, posture, balance and mental focus. I like to call what I do here a 'work-in' because the student must go inside themselves first, then build a strong exterior," says Dale. "I use the phrase Unique Workout Experience because, honestly, after being involved with teaching and studying fitness and Asian wisdom since 1982, I believe it's very true. People have to try a class to see for themselves."


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