Press Release Headlines

Worldwide Christian Unity is Goal of Chinese Pastor Brother Yun's Visit to Lubbock, Texas on October 3

Texas city eagerly anticipates arrival of "Modern Apostle Paul"

LUBBOCK, Texas, Sept. 18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Chinese Pastor Brother Yun, argued to be the modern day biblical Paul the Apostle, is coming to the city of Lubbock for a rare event focused on unity at the City Bank Auditorium October 3rd, 2013.


Yun, considered one of the most spiritually influential men of this century, has been estimated to have impacted tens of millions of people around the world in becoming Christians in countries where it is illegal to be one and has helped bring unity to the Chinese House Church networks. Yun's book, titled "The Heavenly Man" is a dramatic story of faith detailing Yun's insatiable desire to know truth to being imprisoned and severely tortured without wavering in his faith or love for his torturers.

Lubbock will be the first place Brother Yun has ever done a city-wide event, and the first time he will be speaking at a third party location outside of a church.  The organizers didn't want any religious organization associated with the event because they desire for it to be about the name of Jesus. Their vision is to unify the Christian church in Lubbock in exalting Jesus, and lay all secondary differences aside.

According to Blake Templeton, one of the organizers of the event, "It was the Lord's last prayer that we be one, so we know this is the very heartbeat of God. There is a promise in scripture that if Jesus is lifted high, He will draw all people to Himself."

In speaking with dozens of pastors across Lubbock and the surrounding communities, many have expressed their belief that the impact of the event will be great and have come together supporting this event.

There is suspicion among the organizers of the event that the Lubbock event will set a precedent that will help bring unity to Christians in cities all over the world.

According to Yun, "God showed me that the different house church networks must be unified before He would truly pour out his power."

The final goal for unity is to bring the gospel to every place on earth through a unified Christian church whose sole desire is for Jesus to be known worldwide.

Templeton remarked, "We are beyond excited about this event for Lubbock. But we are even more excited that this precedent will carry over into a world-wide movement of God."

The Event will be held at the City Bank Auditorium in Lubbock, Texas at 6:30 pm Thursday, October 3rd and is open to the public.

CONTACT: Blake Templeton, (806) 686-4259 or Email

For more information about the event, visit: