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Women Discover an Ancient Secret for Preventing Menstrual Cramps

BOULDER, Colo., April 23, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Nearly 85% of women in the United States suffer from menstrual cramps, yet the unwelcome sensation is actually preventable. In fact, an increasing number of women are discovering how to reduce the monthly woes of menstrual pain, bloating and nausea with a simple herbal remedy for women's wellness called the yoni steam.

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Sometimes known as vaginal steaming (or v-steaming), yoni steaming is a gentle but effective treatment that has been successfully used by women worldwide for centuries to help reduce or eliminate discomfort associated with menstruation. To do a yoni steam, a woman allows the warmth of herbal-infused steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina, or "yoni" as the female system is called in Sanskrit. Similar to the way herbal steam clears nasal congestion, the warmth and moisture of the yoni steam increase circulation and thin mucus, while the medicinal properties of the herbs are absorbed through the porous external tissue and transported via the blood stream, safely and effectively cleansing, toning and revitalizing the female reproductive system.

For many women, the benefit of this time-tested treatment is a more comfortable, pleasant menstrual cycle. "After steaming just two times, I experienced a lot less cramping, bloating, and fatigue! It is wonderful," remarked a young woman named Kate. With the emergence of hundreds of stories like Kate's, yoni steaming is being revived among women in the United States mainstream, as well as in other countries across the globe.

Yet the ancient wisdom of yoni steaming is about more than uterine and vaginal health, and it is certainly more than a beauty treatment. It is an opportunity for women to reconnect, and to understand how to better support the natural cycles of their bodies. As a result, yoni steaming is becoming ever more loved and respected by women and holistic health practitioners alike.

Kelly, a 41-year-old mother, shared, "In a short time, yoni steaming has allowed me to improve my health, wellbeing, and that of the people around me." Kelly had suffered from painful menstruation for 30 years, but after yoni steaming just 3 times, she reported that she had "no cramping, and minimal back pain" during her next period.

With a vision to ensure that yoni steaming is an affordable and convenient practice for any woman to incorporate into her weekly routine at home, Vibrant Souls offers an effective blend of organic and fair trade yoni steaming herbs called the Devi Steam™, in addition to a handmade yoni steam seat. A Colorado-based company, Vibrant Souls seeks to bring ancient wisdom for women's wellness to the modern world by educating women on how to yoni steam, and by providing unique tips on how to prevent and treat menstrual cramps naturally.

A free PDF "How To" Yoni Steam Ritual Guide + Guide to Reducing Menstrual Cramps is now available on the Vibrant Souls website for women who seek to learn more about how to utilize yoni steaming to overcome menstrual discomfort.

Media Contact
Sierra Brashear
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