CHICAGO, Oct. 5, 2009 — In addition to traditional adventure activities from sportfishing to jungle canopy-walks, Panama offers yet another exciting opportunity for nature-loving travelers: whale watching. This time every year, astute adventure travelers make their way to the Pacific coast of Panama to take in the playful interactions of hundreds of grey humpback whales, a breed particularly popular among whale watchers because of their active behavior and beautiful whale song.
In recent years, whale watching has exploded in popularity across the globe. In 2008, 13 million people went to sea to watch cetaceans in 119 countries. The increase in whale watchers is largely due to the increase in whales. CBC News recently reported that the North Pacific population of humpback whales has doubled in the past two decades. And according to the Associated Press, America's federal government is now considering taking the humpbacks off the endangered species list.
With over 20 species of marine mammals that can be observed in the area, Panama garners an increasing amount of attention as a prime whale-watching destination with each passing season. Savvy adventure travelers have recognized that the temperate waters of Panama's Gulf of Chiriqui attract large populations of humpback whales during their annual migration. Panama's west coast affords an optimum environment for whales to mate and calve before returning to polar waters to feed. From June to October, the Gulf of Chiriqui offers whale watchers a golden opportunity to witness the wonder of active humpback pods.
In order to keep Panama at the forefront of eco-tourism's latest trend, the Tommy Guardia National Geographical Institute is creating the first interactive map for whale watching in Latin America. The goal of the project is to organize research and contribute to the protection and preservation of the mammals. Once completed, the digital map will be placed on a website so that anyone traveling to Panama can learn where and when to see humpback whales, the most abundant of the types of whales that visit the Gulf of Chiriqui.
"That is one of the reasons I chose to develop an eco resort in Chiriqui," says Ben Loomis, President of Amble Resorts, an ecologically sensitive real estate development company preparing to break ground on The Resort at Isla Palenque. "Because of the limitless experiences this area offers nature enthusiasts. Between September and October, spotting multiple breaching whales is nearly guaranteed on a whale-watching trip in the Gulf of Chiriqui. It's no wonder that it's getting more recognition for being one of the best whale-watching spots in the world."
About Isla Palenque
Amble Resorts' new Panama real estate project, The Resort at Isla Palenque, will be a secluded and sustainable resort community with a unique boutique hotel, ingeniously designed residences, and sumptuous amenities. For more information about Amble Resorts or their new island resort, Isla Palenque, visit
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