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Voice Over Website Expands to Voice Over Training Classes Online

NEW YORK, Oct. 14, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — The multibillion dollar industry of voice over recordings has attracted the attention of newcomers wanting to get their foot in the door. A recent unionized video game voice actors strike has opened the doors further for game developers to look elsewhere to find voice over talent.

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Home recording studios can be set up for as little as a few hundred dollars. And then jobs can pay anywhere from $50 for a short recording of less than 1 minute, to tens of thousands of dollars for international TV campaigns and even Audiobooks.

The Voice Realm is one of the most high profile and powerful casting websites globally, and is now offering voice over training and voice over coaching online.

The website has produced thousands of recordings for clients globally, ranging from Coca Cola Italy, to Playboy online videos, voicemail recordings for H&M and many more.

These companies are now casting their nets far and wide thanks to voice over websites such as The Voice Realm.

The advent of the internet is allowing recordings to be delivered faster and cheaper than ever before. And thanks to the growth of applications that utilize human voice such as phone applications, YouTube videos, corporate recordings, voicemail and company phone greetings, there are now more jobs needing more voices.

Finding voice over actors has never been easier. Clients utilize the technology of websites to search and sort through hundreds of demos. Voice talent receive auditions direct to their inbox, record a demo from home and then upload for the client to listen.

This in turn, has spurred on new demand for voice talent across many languages, accents and dialects.

Learning the art of voice acting is no longer just about turning up to a studio and recording from a script. Modern voice actors must now learn to be business savvy. Marketing your voice to find new clients is one of the major components to being a successful voice actor. Selecting the right voice over equipment is just as important.

The voice over training online allows newcomers to quickly develop their skills in as little as 6 months. Picking the brain of one of the approved coaches to begin their journey in live sessions through the internet.

Prospective talent wanting to get involved and learning about the voice over industry can check out The Voice Realm's coaching services for more information.

Robert James
The Voice Realm