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Vinyl Siding: Proper Installation Is Key

When homeowners are shopping for vinyl siding, they must take the installation process into consideration; A poorly installed product will hamper even the highest quality options

HOUSTON, Dec. 2, 2010 — Vinyl siding is a popular choice for homeowners interested in attractive, durable, low maintenance, and affordable building materials for their house. The installation of vinyl siding is equally important as the quality of the material. If installed poorly, a homeowner may experience issues.

When looking for a quality product, homeowners should examine the thickness, the wind resistance, and the UV protection that signifies the likely-hood of fading. When inquiring about these items to learn about the quality of the vinyl siding, homeowners should also ask about the installation process.

When installed, the panels are not attached tightly to a house as they appear to be. Instead, they "hang" loosely on the side of a house. This is done for a number of reasons. First, this material contracts and expands with cold and heat. This could present problems if the panels are attached improperly and are not allowed to be flexible.

If the vinyl siding is attached too loosely, it can be noisy as it may bang on the side of the structure. This can also create an issue with the wind resistance and the associated warranties. This product should be able to resist wind up to 150 mph.

If installed too tightly along the side of the home, there can be poor ventilation. When hung properly, air should flow behind the panels for better ventilation. If this is not the case, moisture could be trapped and water may leak inside the home. Additionally, there are little holes in the bottom of each panel so water can flow out. An installer must also add the appropriate flashings, house felt or builder's wrap.

Homeowners are advised to inquire about the installation process and warranties when getting vinyl siding estimates. They should ask about the thickness, wind resistance, and the likely-hood of fading. When finding out about the installation process, they should also keep in mind that double hem mounting typically provides better attachment than a single hem.

About offers valuable information on vinyl siding prices, materials and installation. You can learn more about how to spot quality and find out about the cost of the products and labor. You can quickly and easily get free estimates from local contractors by entering your basic information. To learn more about options for your home and to get free estimates, visit the website today!

Contact: James Bowing
Media Relations Specialist

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