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Unleash Your Tie Dyed Heart Blogger Christine Rosas Issues Mother's Day Challenge to Unleash Joy and Claim "Me Time" No Matter What Life Dishes Up

SYDNEY, May 6, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Moms caught in the daunting juggling act of everyday motherhood are stuck in "Yeah-But" excuses that are stealing their time to recharge. Unleash Your Tie Dyed Heart Blogger Christine Rosas is on a mission to change that.  Today she issues a "Me Time Mother's Day Challenge" to turn that around for good.

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"Taking 10 minutes almost every day to sit and accept who you are right now, can be a sanity saving practice in the face of the drama and chaos that is the reality of being a mom today," Rosas explains.

Moms around the world are using Rosas' "10 Minutes of Almost Daily Me Time" audio practice to: unbind the bands of challenging emotions; unwind the coiling expectations of motherhood; and unwrap the colorful gift of inner peace and clarity.

To take part in the "Me Time Mother's Day Challenge" and unleash the joyful mom within, there are three easy steps:

  1. Download the free guided audio today.
  2. Share the "Yeah-But" excuse you plan to surrender at the Tie Dyed Heart Facebook page: .
  3. On Mother's Day, unite with moms around the world as you use the free audio to guide you through your Me Time practice.

We are imperfect moms, living in an imperfect world.  Not all of your "Me Time" experiences will be Zen-like. Rosas shares 4 "Yeah-But excuses that trip up moms around the world, and she offers tips to get beyond them.

Yeah-But #1: Interruptions
A new routine takes time. "I noticed when I let frustration and annoyance arise within me without action, these challenging emotions actually dissolved as quickly as they arose.  I am able to replace 'CAN'T YOU SEE MOMMY'S TRYING TO HAVE SOME ME TIME!' with a calm reminder to my kids of what this time means to me.  Now, I find my kids are more understanding and accepting of the process."

Yeah-But #2: I already have a relaxation routine.
"10 Min. Almost Daily Me Time" is a practice of sitting, observing your thoughts and emotions, and noticing how they feel within your body. It's a practice that can continue throughout your day.  You will begin to pause before reacting.  This opens the space to positively respond to a situation more aligned with your true self.

Yeah-But #3: I can't possibly sit still that long.
You may first notice your mind is full of chatter and distraction.  However, as time goes on, a whole new perspective will come to light. In fact, the busier your day, the more you will wish to pause for additional "Me Time" moments.

Yeah-But #4: I'm not looking for something spiritual.
"10 Min. Almost Daily Me Time" is about sitting with yourself in the stillness of the moment. As you allow negative thoughts, emotions, and judgments to dissolve, you will find yourself more compassionate, joyful, and serene.  Anyone can benefit from heart-fully responding to whatever life brings.

Whether it's messy rooms or little ones barging in on her while she's in the bathroom, Rosas finds herself replaying a mountain range of negative stories in her mind. It can become exhausting putting everyone's needs first only to feel as though no one seems to listen.

"By taking 10 minutes almost every day, I'm able to sit with those mountainous stories and allow them to dissolve into manageable molehills," says Rosas.

Rosas defines these mountains as any attachment to a person or event that brings up strong emotion. When we experience strong emotions, we become inflexible and unable to see another perspective to a situation. This black and white perception prevents us from taking action that represents our true self.

"By sitting with who you are right now, you can begin to fully embrace the colorful world of motherhood with joy and acceptance," she says.

About Unleash Your Tie Dyed Heart Blogger Christine Rosas
Christine Rosas is putting her life coaching practice and forthcoming book on hold while she embarks on a huge practice opportunity: her family's second international move.  Rosas is blogging about her experiences as her family moves to Saudi Arabia.

Moms around the world are enjoying Rosas' journey From Undone to Unleashed.  Visit Rosas' blog as she frankly shares how she uses her Me Time Practice to travel past feelings of isolation, burnout and insignificance at