Press Release Headlines — Latina Mom-in-Chief Declares War on Facebook

NEW YORK, Sept. 13, 2011 — The anti-Facebook mom and founder of, Evelyn Castillo-Bach, is in New York City to promote her bold campaign "Facebook is Trash, National Privacy Celebration." This week she exposes Facebook as a data collector that exploits user information to get rich. is the first and only ad-free social communication service in the world that is totally focused on privacy. First-time entrepreneur Castillo-Bach takes dead aim at Facebook, intent on killing it like a "deadly fungus that is trying to take over the world."

  • The super-private social network is led by a native of New York City who grew up in Astoria, Queens and some of the roughest neighborhoods in the South Bronx.

"As a native New Yorker, I learned early to never give up and never give in. I will not stop until I defeat Facebook," says Castillo-Bach, described as a mom at war with Facebook.

  • She is receiving wide support from people around the world — Latin America, India, Europe, and of course her own USA.

"We are hearing from mothers and people from all walks of life who want to communicate with true privacy protection," reported Castillo-Bach, speaking from New York City.

"This is war! We know it and Facebook knows it. It's a war between good and evil. A war for true privacy protection against those who believe that your personal information should be converted into dollars in their pockets.

  • Mark Zuckerberg is worth billions of dollars because he has information about you. He knows what you like, what you think, who your friends are.
  • He's a global ad salesman in a t-shirt and hoody. He and his company get paid when they sell ads — not when they protect people's privacy.
  • Facebook has its masters — advertisers, companies that make games, and the 50,000+ apps that collect your information. Most people don't know that Facebook makes millions through those games that get access to your information.

You and your personal information," says Castillo-Bach, "are like disposable cards they use to trade for cash."

Castillo-Bach dismisses Facebook's claims that it cares about user privacy: "People are not the fools Facebook thinks they are. The public wants an alternative to Facebook's privacy violations, gimmicks and intrusion into their lives.

" is the alternative and ultimate solution. We are strictly supported by our member's subscription. Our loyalty is to you, not big business outsiders."

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  • No ads
  • No tracking and no data mining
  • No selling of personal information
  • All third-party apps banned
  • Anonymous posting allowed
  • No Face Recognition or other intrusive technologies
  • Protection from privacy violations by "free" sites

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Evelyn Castillo-Bach earned her M.S. in 1993 from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. She has traveled extensively in Ethiopia and in the Balkans, accompanying her Danish husband, who is a lawyer.

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