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Take a Reality Check: What's Your Work+Life 'Fit'?

MADISON, N.J., Dec. 7, 2006 — Another year, another New Year's Resolution list that includes finding more work and life balance. Is it just a fantasy or are you being realistic about how to make it happen? Take a quick Reality Check to see how "fit" your ideas are about work and life balance.

1) Do you know what kind of work and life balance you want?

A. Yes, I've thought about it. I've actually written down my priorities.
B. I have an idea of what I would like, but haven't spent too much time thinking about it or how to make it happen.
C. I have no clue, but I know something needs to change.

2) Do you believe there are only two work and life balance choices: stay in your current job and accept the way things are, or leave?

A. I understand it's not an all or nothing choice. I can make small changes to where, when or how I work at my current job to find a better Work+Life Fit.
B. My employer has some flexibility options, but I think you have to have kids to be eligible.
C. I'm going to have to look for another job. They will never let me do anything different here.

3) Have you avoided discussing a plan to improve your work and life balance with your supervisor because you're afraid the answer will be "no?"

A. My supervisor supports my work and life arrangements because we've talked about it and tried different options. I'm willing to shift my approach to fit my changing needs, and I'm confident that my supervisor will work with me.
B. I've hinted around that I would be interested in making some changes, but we haven't really discussed the issue directly.
C. I can't talk to my boss about this, she might think less of me or worry that everyone will want the same thing.

4) Do you believe that having work and life balance helps your career?

A. Yes, because if I have enough energy and time for the things and relationships outside of work that matter to me, I will be happier and more productive on the job.
B. I don't know if it helps my career, but I'm all for having a little more time and energy.
C. It can hurt my career because my boss or others will think work isn't important to me and someone else will get ahead.

5) Do you define personal and professional success based on your own thoughts and feelings, or do you let corporate norms and the opinions of others dictate what success means?

A. The only definitions of success that matter are my own.
B. I have an idea of what success to me means, but more often than not it's linked to the norms of job titles, salary levels and how many of the kid's soccer games I can attend.
C. My views about success are closely tied to what others consider success or how I think others view my performance.

How Realistic Is Your Work+Life Fit?

To determine your score, count the numbers of As, Bs and Cs: A=5 points, B=3 points and C=1 point.

25-19 pts: You've Found Your Work+Life "Fit"! – Congratulations, you know it's not about balance. It's about what "fit" works for you and only you can define that. You've considered your unique work and personal circumstances and determined your fit from the countless choices that exist between "all or nothing." You're not afraid to discuss your plan with your supervisor, and you've defined success on your own terms to feel good about the Work+Life Fit you've achieved. You may work 60 hours a week, you may work 20. You also understand that Work+Life Fit is never constant. Life changes, work changes, and so will your fit.

18-12 pts: You're Trapped Behind Work+Life "Fit" Roadblocks – You've almost found your "fit" but either not knowing exactly what you want, rigid definitions of success, corporate or media myths and biases, or unrealistic fears are keeping you stuck. Get around those roadblocks! Determine your Work+Life Fit vision – realistically redefine personal and professional success, address those fears, write a plan and discuss it with your boss. Suggest a six-month trial run. More often than not, she won't say no.

11-5 pts: Work+Life "What?" – All you know is you're unhappy with your current work and life situation but believe you have no other choice – there's nothing you can do. You're terrified of making any kind of change for a variety reasons and besides that, what would people think? Stop judging and worrying about why you want Work+Life Fit and focus on how to have that Work+Life Fit. It starts with making small changes, not all or nothing choices. Take it a step at a time.

For more tips on developing Work+Life Fit, click


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