Press Release Headlines

Go for Less Stress in the New Year with Tips from Stress Relief Expert Lauren E. Miller

LITTLETON, Colo., Jan. 5, 2011 — To stress or not to stress?

That is the question and your choice of response will make all the difference in the outcome. The American Psychological Association says stress costs industry $300 billion a year in absences, medical costs, lost productivity and turnover. 78% of American workers feel burned out and a third of Americans say they're living with extreme stress. Nearly 80% of all doctor visits are stress-related and 43% of adults are sick because of stress.

WOW! Had enough? Stress Relief Expert Lauren E. Miller, offers quick, easy stress relief tips for stress-less living:

"You are not a victim! You simply forgot you have the ability to choose inner peace and calm. Stress is your body's way of giving you the opportunity to shift your perception of any situation when you feel threatened or disconnected. When your body talks to you, listen and adjust. I learned how essential this is to inner healing when I went through two of the top stressors at the same time: cancer and divorce," said Miller, who is having a sale on her stress-relief products on her website:

Lauren suggests three tips to help you make the shift from panic back to peace:

  • Drop the Drug of Approval: Anthony de Mello teaches on this very essential element of inner peace. You have been drugged since you where young as you tried to win the approval of the world around you in order to feel good about yourself. This is the root of unhappiness and anxiety. You will continue to rise and fall depending on how the world judges you and your anxiety will soar. Anchor your sense of safety within instead of on what surrounds you.
  • What will other people think? If you could let go of this one concern that paralyses your inner inspirations and creative motivation, you could really GO FOR IT in life without restricting yourself for fear of "what will other people think." How much inventive thought has been imprisoned by this one fear?
  • You want peace? Then meditate on peaceful thoughts throughout your day, don't entertain for one minute destructive thoughts toward yourself or others around you. When you align yourself with the frequency of past positive experiences in life that evoke a sense of love and peace within, you have the ability to bring that same frequency into the present moment. Try it next time you feel anxious and threatened – close your eyes and connect to a past experience of inner calm and confidence while breathing out all the way and taking in natural deep breaths. Notice any physiological shifts as a result of your connecting to the memory of peace, love and confidence. Your memory is a powerful gift or burden. Remember, the choice is yours.

About Lauren E. Miller

Lauren E. Miller has received national recognition in Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, CNBC, Lifetime and Discovery along with the International Journal of Healing and Care. With 10 years of proven experience and 18 years of intensive extended education in the areas of anxiety relief and stress reduction, Lauren works with men and women worldwide, empowering them with techniques and skills to live life without stress using one-on-one coaching, teleseminars, seminars and workshops. Lauren has shared the stage with today's top inspirational speakers. She released her third book in October 2010, Release the Stress around Breast Cancer… with Methods and Mantras for the Mastectomies of Life; this book was written during her own journey through stage three breast cancer. The first book in the series is entitled: Release the Stress…5 Minutes to Stress Relief around the Craze of Life at Work and at Home. Her first book is an Amazon Best Seller and Indie Book Award Winner: Hearing His Whisper…a Journey through Cancer and Divorce. Her fourth book, 99 Things You Need to Know Before Stressing Out, will be released Spring 2011. For more information, please visit her website at: For interviews, please contact Amy Sampson at 303-316-0441 or Email.

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