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Stress Relief Expert Lauren E. Miller Offers Relief from Grief Stress in the Wake of 9-11 Anniversary

DENVER, Sept. 13, 2011 — According to the Family Caregiver Alliance: "Grief is a natural process, an intense fundamental emotion, a universal experience which makes us human."

"I lost a very close friend of the family on the 88th floor of the second tower on Sept. 11th, 2001. My brothers and cousins were caught in the middle of it all and gratefully survived," says stress relief expert Lauren E. Miller, who recently launched Stress Solutions University, an online stress relief video coaching site.

"When trauma of any kind enters into your life, your body goes into a freeze. Your breathing becomes shallow, your left brain stops communicating with the right brain and you experience a 'deer in the headlights' response to life. You feel disconnected and unsafe. In the midst of this experience, you often encounter waves of overwhelming emotion that paralyze you in your ability to cope with everyday activities. You find yourself caught in the moment of when the traumatic experience took place. You actually take a holograph picture of the scene of trauma and it becomes frozen within you. You continually replay it over and over. As time moves on, you remain stuck in that 'holographic image' so much so that if a trauma occurs in childhood when it is triggered by current events, situations and people, it is as if it just happened. These images or 'holographs' exist out of time; they are present to you now even if many years have passed," says Miller, a stage three breast cancer survivor.

"Your energy system becomes disconnected or frozen along with the negative emotions that surround grief and trauma resulting in feelings of overwhelm and emotional paralysis. It is an internal energy disconnect that results in helpless feelings of being 'stuck' in the grief or sadness. The good news is, what becomes disconnected can be reconnected," encourages Miller.

"Tapping Therapy and Thought Field Therapy, founded by Dr. Roger Callahan, and simplified in EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, by Engineer Gary Craig, is a method that often times works instantly to help reconnect you to who you are before the pain hit. Focusing on 9 main energy points it utilizes the same meridian system as acupuncture. Your fingertips are used instead of needles. It enables the energy within your body to continue to move in spite of trauma therefore allowing you to reconnect to inner peace, love, acceptance and healing," shares Lauren.

"As you tune into the distressing emotion or physical pain, rate its intensity on a scale from 1-10. You begin with a setup statement as you tap 5-7 times on the soft part of your hand (the karate chop point), repeating three times: 'Even though I feel intense grief over this loss (say the name of the person or animal) I am willing to love and accept myself anyway.' You can plug in any specific emotion or physical condition to this template; however, choose one at a time. Be specific and consistent. Next tap on the following 7 points 5-7 times as you repeat a reminder phrase (intense grief) that is linked to your setup statement: eyebrow closest to the nose; eye socket by temple area; top of cheekbone; under nose, under lip; collar bone to either side of U-shaped dip at the base of the neck; 2-3 inches under armpit."

For more information on this technique, please visit Lauren's website under media.

"Continue to tap on your issue until you have reached a 0 intensity rate. Persistence is very important when moving through any high emotional feeling within the body. Keeping the 'flow' of energy going enables you to reframe the situation. Love and self-acceptance are essential ingredients that enable you to experience a sense of safety and connection in spite of pain and suffering," Miller concludes.

Want more? To celebrate the launch of Stress Solutions University Lauren is offering 9 FREE stress relief coaching videos (2-3 minutes long) to help maintain inner peace. Go to:

About Lauren E. Miller

Lauren E. Miller, bestselling Author/Speaker/Stress Relief Expert, has received national recognition in Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, CNBC, Lifetime and Discovery along with the International Journal of Healing and Care. Using one on-one-coaching, teleseminars, seminars and workshops, Lauren works with men and women worldwide empowering them with techniques and skills to de-stress their lives. Her fourth book is 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Stressing Out! "This book will literally save lives." — world-renowned speaker/author Les Brown

Lauren is currently working on the screenplay for her story, a dramedy (drama/comedy).

Lauren's main website:


For interviews, contact Amy Sampson at 303-316-0441, Email.


Amy Sampson

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