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Stress Awareness Month: How Well Are You Coping With Stress? Stress Relief Expert Lauren E. Miller Offers Quick Tips for Stress Management

DENVER, March 30, 2011 — According to The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, stress and anxiety is estimated to affect well over 19 million Americans and growing.

"Believe it or not your stress flows directly from your thought life. Any time you perceive a situation as a potential threat to your safety or connection with others your stress hormone begins to soar. Your thoughts form your choices, how you respond to the world around you. Your choices form your life. If you focus on one thing this month may it be your thought life," says Lauren E. Miller (, author of her recently released fourth book, 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Stressing Out! Now available on

"You walk around your days missing vital pieces of information that you delete or distort because they do not fit with the structure of reality you have created for yourself throughout your lifetime. The problem comes when you think these impoverished views of reality are real representations of life. For example, if you have created a structure that is based on this belief: 'nothing ever works out for me,' then know that you will tune into everything that backs that belief up. Your thoughts create what you tune into, so choose wisely," she says. "You are not a victim in this process unless you choose to be. There is actually a part of your brain that tunes into what you focus on in life: The reticular activating system (RAS) is located in the brain stem and plays a major role in behavioral motivation. It is very empowering to know that you can choose how you want to view circumstances in life: as a burden to be endured or an opportunity for learning and growth."

Lauren recommends taking to heart Henry Ford's famous quote:  "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."

Lauren offers 3 tips to get some relief from stress:

  • Practice acuity. Start to observe those statements or responses to life that perhaps are impoverished and do not serve your sense of well being and inner peace. Become curious as to what pieces of information you might be deleting that if recovered would help to expand your options in life. The more options you can create, the less stress you will experience.
  • Remove universal quantifiers in life, they will keep you stressed out and stuck in a set belief system that does not flow with the growth of life around you: Nothing ever works out for me; nobody cares; everyone is against me; I never get noticed or appreciated; everyone gets acknowledged over me.
  • Use your RAS (reticular activating system) to help you tune into the positive in life. Focus on what is working out for you, what is beautiful, good, right and true in this world. You are in charge of your thoughts, your thoughts are not in charge of you. Seek out positive connections with those around you. Gratitude along with consistent sincerity and reverence for all of life will guide you back to inner peace every time you choose them over fear, doubt and worry.

About Lauren E. Miller

Lauren has received national recognition in Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, CNBC, Lifetime and Discovery, along with the International Journal of Healing and Care. With 10 years of proven experience and 18 years of intensive extended education in the areas of anxiety relief and stress reduction, Lauren works with men and women worldwide empowering them with techniques and skills to live life without stress using one-on-one coaching, teleseminars, seminars and workshops.

As an international speaker, Lauren has shared the stage with some of today's most inspirational speakers. Her third book, "Release the Stress around Breast Cancer… with Methods and Mantras for the Mastectomies of Life," released in October 2010, was written during her own journey through stage three breast cancer. The first book in the series is entitled "Release the Stress…5 Minutes to Stress Relief around the Craze of Life at Work and at Home."

Her first book is an Amazon Best Seller and Indie Book Award Winner, "Hearing His Whisper…a Journey through Cancer and Divorce." Lauren is currently working on the screenplay for her story, a dramedy (drama/comedy).

Her fourth book, "99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Stressing Out!" is now available on For more information please visit her website at:

For interviews please contact Amy Sampson at 303-316-0441, Email.

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Amy Sampson

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