Press Release Headlines

Steve Harvey Invites Master Motivator and Mentor Orrin 'Checkmate' Hudson to Join Him During Mentoring Weekend in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 17, 2011 — Orrin "Checkmate" Hudson, "Master Motivator, Teacher and Mentor," from Atlanta, will join comedian Steve Harvey this Saturday during Harvey's Mentoring Weekend in Los Angeles. Also appearing will be Cedric The Entertainer and other celebrities as they join Harvey to mentor young men during the three-day event. Hudson will use his signature chess skills and abilities as he offers advice on the importance of making every move in life count.

Hudson has trained more than 20,000 students and his lifetime goal is to reach one million youngsters before he turns over the responsibility to others coming behind him. Hudson is a believer in the "paying it forward concept." He explains, "I was a young know-it-all teenager in Alabama and I was on the road to certain destruction and possibly even a premature death," he readily admits. "But I had a teacher who saw potential in me. I'm not sure what that was, but he taught me the game of chess." Hudson is quick to say that seemingly simple act "saved my life."

"By using the game of chess, my teacher showed me that for every move I make on the chess board there are consequences," he adds. Hudson then stresses what is the bottom line of this game. "I not only learned how to play chess but I also gained self-esteem and realized I could be someone if only I chose the right moves in my life."

Hudson went on to serve as an Alabama State Trooper but later realized his true calling. "I knew I had to give back. I saw too many young African American males headed down the wrong path – gangs, drugs, crime, sexual irresponsibility, no education and focus – the same path I was on until someone cared enough to set me straight."

Hudson deftly uses the thinking man's game of chess to both teach and mentor at the same time. It is a combination that is both effective and unobtrusive. "These kids love this game and it opens doors. They often are surprised that they can handle the game that many educated adults shy away from, but more importantly they naturally learn life lessons along the way."

Hudson rattles off some of those skills: "Responsibility, consequence for every action, think, think, and think some more." He counsels kids that they are someone and they hold unlimited potential inside. Working from his Atlanta training site, Hudson can often be found moving back and forth from multiple chess boards making moves and offering advice at the same time. It is apparent to any and all that he cares personally for each one of his students.

The young people who have had the good fortune to cross his path often say Hudson has been a guiding light in their lives as he has helped them learn how to solve problems and overcome challenges. "Successful people are not people without problems," he stresses. "They are people who learn to solve their problems." This is the lesson Hudson so adamantly teaches with his Be Someone program. He is resolute in his prediction. "We will reach these teens through this game and teach them how to think on their feet. They will be somebody and we will all win because of it!"

Hudson seems to have a saying for every circumstance but if you pay him a visit at his new facility in the shadow of famous Stone Mountain, you will no doubt hear him encouraging the many young people intently studying the chess board in front of them with something like this, "Every wall is a door; every obstacle is an opportunity. That's how you have to look at life. Attitude is everything." It really is music to these young ears.

Hudson has been invited to Los Angeles this weekend to join comedian Steve Harvey and other celebrities for a weekend of mentoring young African American men. He will be taking his chess boards along and enough encouragement to fill the plane he will travel on. "I'm so honored to be asked to participate. I truly believe working together we can save young lives and make a difference. I'm excited to be joining Mr. Harvey this weekend but more excited that I will be able to make a difference in even more young lives."

University of Southern California – Davidson Conference Center
Orrin will teach 11:00am-1:00pm in the Club Room.
3415 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Located at the intersection of Figueroa Street and Jefferson Boulevard

To learn more about Hudson and his BE SOMEONE organization, visit the website at

Orrin is on a mission to empower one million young people using the game of chess to teach them problem-solving strategies, life skills, and to offer kids a positive alternative to gangs, drugs, crime, and violence. In his assemblies, kids learn practical skills and techniques to overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and realize their potential. Hudson instructs, educates, motivates, and inspires, and uses catchy phrases, like "Push Pawns, Not Drugs" and "Heads Up, Pants Up, Grades Up," to reinforce his overall message. Since 2001, Hudson has taught more than 20,000 kids to make every move count.


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Janice Davis

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