Press Release Headlines

Roy Oppenheim Announces Real Estate Talk Show: From the Trenches

Join leading Florida Foreclosure Defense Attorney Roy Oppenheim and special guests CBS4 Chief Investigative Reporter Stephen Stock and Florida real estate developer Patrick Sessions in the first episode of Oppenheim's new talk show reviewing the Florida real estate saga past, present and future; The first episode of From The Trenches will play on Oppenheim Law's YouTube Channel starting Thursday May 12, 2011

BOCA RATON, Fla., May 12, 2011 — A new real estate talk show hosted by Roy Oppenheim titled "From the Trenches" starts May 12, 2011 on Oppenheim Law TV and Roy Oppenheim's YouTube Channel covering the boom to bust cycle of Florida's tumultuous real estate market.

Florida homeowners are invited to tune in to get perspective on where the market is today, where we are headed and options available to craft a personal bailout.

From the Trenches by Roy Oppenheim is a community service talk show. It is designed to interact and engage the South Florida real estate community of buyers, sellers, investors and real estate professionals in a lively online forum.

Guests Stock and Sessions offer expert depth and perspective on the status of the chaotic Florida real estate market.

About Stephen Stock

Bringing his years of experience to the screen, Stock hasn't just reported the news, he's helped change policy. After reporting cases of fraudulent documents used in foreclosure cases, a major home title insurance company stopped providing title insurance for homes foreclosed on by GMAC Mortgage, one of two companies Stock discovered couldn't verify the documents it was using in court. Among his numerous accomplishments, Stock is a regional Edward R. Murrow award winner and was named an Ethics Fellow at the Poynter Institute for Media Studies in St. Petersburg in 2004.

About Patrick Sessions

Currently Councilman, Coconut Grove Village Council and founder of Sessions Development, Patrick Sessions has over 35 years of experience in the real estate industry, including serving as president of Weston, the largest planned development in South Florida, from 1985 to 1991. His broad range of expertise is evident in the list of diverse projects his firm is involved with, as well as his additional experience in the corporate elements of the industry. Sessions founded the company that bears his name in 1992 to provide real estate development services for his own interests, as well as investors and owners.

Together, Oppenheim, Stock and Sessions will discuss the past year's cascade of headlines ranging from corruption to fraud to the fall of South Florida's largest foreclosure mills.

How did these events impact South Florida and how did national news programs such as 60 Minutes change their tune from initially blaming the homeowner to exposing the fraud behind the facade? Is it the media's responsibility to play a larger role in defending the Florida homeowner, or is that overstepping the boundaries of journalistic integrity?

Oppenheim recognizes a shift in press coverage over the years. While at first the homeowners were put to shame by some reporters for being greedy, lately it seems as the banks are now being labeled as the culprits.

Oppenheim, Stock and Sessions will bring these issues to the forefront in the real estate talk show From the Trenches hosted by Roy Oppenheim. Watch it live or replays via your iPad, iPhone or laptop via starting May 12, 2011.

Contact: Lisa Buyer Email 954-354-1411×14

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