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Can Romance and Stress Co-Exist? Stress Relief Expert Lauren E. Miller Shares Ideas for Valentine's Day

LITTLETON, Colo., Jan. 26, 2011 — Here's sobering news for people looking for romance on Valentine's Day.

According to the American Institute of Stress, over 75% of people suffer from stress-related symptoms and illnesses along with experiencing a direct negative effect on their interpersonal relationships.

"Being that fatigue, insomnia and headaches are all symptoms of stress, how can romance even think about gaining a foothold in your life?" says stress relief expert Lauren E. Miller (

"Stress does not evoke romance; however, romance can evoke stress," she says. "Because of the high expectations you have on what romance needs to look like in your life, you stress over the possibility that it won't show up the way you imagine it will. When you don't get what you want, then the anxiety soars around the belief, 'I'm not OK if I don't get this out of my relationship.' Herein lies the culprit. As you can imagine, nothing thrives, especially romance, in a place filled with high demands and stress. You may say, 'I love you, because you love me and if you don't love me the way I imagine you should then I don't love you.' To love another for who they are without the demands of who you desire them to be creates an environment where romance can flourish."

Lauren recommends three practices that can help you eliminate the stress around romance:

  • Stop the craze of trying to own, control and possess your partner or any human being. Just as you appreciate the space to be "You" just as you are, give that same gift to the ones you love.
  • Release your expectations of what romance needs to look like. You have been brainwashed since you were little as to what "true" romance should be. As soon as you drop your preconceived notions around the entire experience, you then open yourself up to new opportunities and possible romantic experiences.
  • You want more romance? Then be romantic. One of the definitions for romance is adventure. Be a curious human being and explore what moves you. What moves you will move those around you. Get out of your head and connect with your heart. What moves you in life? What causes you to stop for a moment and linger? Begin to look at life as one big opportunity to love better every day. Make your life a novel of love. Remember, love, romance and life flow from the inside out. When you take time to nurture the romance within, it will start to show up all around you.

About Lauren E. Miller

Lauren E. Miller is CEO of Microwave Stress Solutions, Inc. and has received national recognition in Redbook, Ladies' Home Journal, CNBC, Lifetime and Discovery, along with the International Journal of Healing and Care. With 10 years of proven experience and 18 years of intensive extended education in the areas of anxiety relief and stress reduction, Lauren works with men and women worldwide, empowering them with techniques and skills to live life without stress using one-on-one coaching, teleseminars, seminars and workshops. Lauren has shared the stage with today's top inspirational speakers.

She released her third book in October 2010, Release the Stress around Breast Cancer… with Methods and Mantras for the Mastectomies of Life. This book was written during her own journey through stage three breast cancer. The first book in the series is entitled: Release the Stress…5 Minutes to Stress Relief around the Craze of Life at Work and at Home. Her first book is an Amazon Bestseller and Indie Book Award Winner: Hearing His Whisper…a Journey through Cancer and Divorce. Her fourth book, 99 Things You Need to Know Before Stressing Out, will be released Spring 2011. For more information please visit her website at:

For interviews please contact Amy Sampson at 303-316-0441 or Email.

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Amy Sampson

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