Press Release Headlines

Robert Armstrong and Sanford M. Fisch Co-Author the E-Myth Attorney

SAN DIEGO, June 17, 2010 — Attorneys nationwide have long looked to Robert Armstrong and Sanford M. Fisch as pioneers in law firm practice management. Now, with the publication of The E-Myth Attorney: Why Most Legal Practices Don't Work and What to Do About It (ISBN 0470503653, Wiley,, Armstrong and Fisch are showing attorneys everywhere exactly how to build a successful legal practice while enjoying a balanced life.

Armstrong and Fisch, co-founders of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, Inc. (AAEPA, , co-authored The E-Myth Attorney with small business expert Michael Gerber, author of The E-Myth: Why Most Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It. Though the authors are estate planning attorneys, the principles they lay out in The E-Myth Attorney can be used to build a thriving legal business regardless of practice type or law firm size.

"This is a NOW read for attorneys. Gerber, Armstrong, and Fisch hit the mark by applying E-Myth principles to the legal profession," stated Larry V. Parman of Parman & Easterday. "The attorney's unspoken fear is, 'What happens if I'm not here' [The E-Myth Attorney] is a roadmap for creating systems that make a business out of a practice, one that works for you, not you for it … Live and apply these principles and watch what happens to your practice … and your life."

While most attorneys have a solid understanding of the technical aspects of a legal practice, far fewer have the training or experience needed to run a successful business. The E-Myth Attorney combines Gerber's business development expertise with Armstrong and Fisch's experience in implementing legal practice management systems to bridge the gap between attorney and entrepreneur.

The E-Myth Attorney serves as a blueprint for building a practice that attracts qualified clients and produces exceptional work, while allowing time for family and a fulfilling life outside of work. Equally valuable for start-ups and existing practices, the book details the systems and processes Armstrong and Fisch developed in their own successful California law firm. In fact, the American Academy, a national membership organization for attorneys, was built on the foundation of these very same principles. Those systems give attorneys the tools they need to balance successful estate planning practices with quality of life.

A limited number of attorneys will receive The E-Myth Attorney free for participating in the Academy's August 10, 2010 conference call, "7 Deadly Mistakes That Can Kill Your Estate Planning Practice." Though Armstrong and Fisch have co-authored estate planning books for consumers, The E-Myth Attorney is the authors' first book for attorneys. The authors' blog,, gives attorneys additional insight into systems and how they serve as the foundation of a thriving practice. Learn more about The E-Myth Attorney and the AAEPA at .

Erin Laverty
American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, Inc.

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