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REconomics Lab to Help Transform Green, Sustainability, and Climate Change Initiatives Into Growth Strategies

New think/do tank will recruit community, corporation, and non-profit leaders to pioneer new policies, models and financial tools for local/global renewal

WASHINGTON, Feb. 18, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Trust in the ability of both government and corporations to create a better future is at an all-time low.



What's more, our economic growth strategies, models, and financial tools were mostly designed for the old world of sprawl and virgin resource extraction. But our economies are increasingly based on renewing cities and nature.

Lastly, the public is increasingly frustrated with "green" and "sustainability" initiatives. Most do little to halt—much less reverse—the decline in quality of life, jobs, and environmental health. Citizens increasingly ask "Who wants to sustain this mess?"

So says Storm Cunningham, who has been called "the world's thought leader on community revitalization and natural resource restoration" by a Managing Director at JP Morgan. Cunningham is a well-known speaker, workshop leader, and consultant who has authored two books on those subjects, and who has a third on the way.

To address the above issues, Cunningham has launched REconomics Lab. It's a private "think & do tank" designed to innovate regenerative strategies, business models, public policies, and financial tools.

100 leaders of corporations, government agencies, non-profits, foundations, and universities are being recruited for REconomics Lab membership. Members initiate their local efforts with a workshop led by Storm Cunningham.  Community revitalization is an ideal focus for green, sustainability, and climate change programs, because renewal is desired by all; progressive and conservative alike.

The workshop, which takes place at members' offices, orients their staff to current and emerging needs and trends. It then helps them identify unique opportunities appropriate to each member organization. Ongoing support for the development of these initiatives–including a public relations strategy– is also provided.

The tools and techniques innovated and tested by these initiatives will then be made available to businesses, institutions, and communities worldwide for their own local use. In this way, REconomics Lab provides a way for leaders to grow their organizations, while simultaneously providing a public service.

Learn more about REconomics Lab at

Cunningham's third book, FIXERS: New Leaders for Broken Times will be published in 2015. It will be the first book to document the global rise of Adaptive Renewal techniques, designed to cope with our current climate of uncertainty.

Cunningham's first book, The Restoration Economy, was published in 2002 by Berrett-Koehler. It has been called "extraordinary", "a modern classic", and "a landmark work" by public and private leaders worldwide. His second book, ReWealth, was published by McGraw-Hill in 2008. It has been called "the bible of community revitalization and natural resource restoration".

Cunningham is also CEO of ReCitizen, L3C, which provides free community revitalization tools to citizens worldwide.


Storm Cunningham, CEO
ReCitizen, L3C
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004