Press Release Headlines

Psychologists Successfully Employ Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to Conquer Insomnia Without Medication

Empirically-proven treatment program has potential to improve sleep patterns for children, adolescents, and adults

COMMACK, N.Y., March 4, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — East End Psychological Services, P.C. ( is helping children, adolescents and adults who suffer from insomnia with cognitive-behavioral therapy.  Their program uses a variety of scientifically-proven strategies to improve sleep.

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Insomnia refers to difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or constantly waking up early. People with insomnia feel dissatisfied with their sleep and usually experience fatigue, low energy, difficulty concentrating, mood disturbances, and decreased performance in work or at school.

The National Institutes of Health estimates that roughly 30 percent of the general population complains of sleep disruption, and approximately 10 percent have associated symptoms of daytime functional impairment. In January 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that insufficient sleep is a "public health epidemic."

"Sleep is essential for our physical and emotional well-being," says Dr. Joseph Volpe, Clinical Psychologist and Executive Director.  "Children require healthy sleep to function at school and in their daily lives with friends and family.  Adults need their sleep as they attend to responsibilities at home, work, and their relationships."

The Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for insomnia (CBT-i) program utilized by East End Psychological Services is a 6-session program adapted from the work of Dr. Gregg Jacobs who developed his approach to insomnia at Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center.

The program begins with an evaluation that includes clinical interview, sleep hygiene worksheets, medical history questionnaires, and brief psychological measures. The treatment uses stimulus control techniques, sleep restriction methods, cognitive restructuring, mindfulness meditation, relaxation training, and educational materials describing effective sleep habits.

CBT-i is one of the only empirically-validated treatment options for insomnia.  CBT-i improves sleep in a majority of treated patients and reduces the need for sleeping pills and over-the-counter remedies. Moreover, there are typically no adverse side effects associated with CBT-i as a non-medical intervention.

For more information, visit

About East End Psychological Services, P.C.

East End Psychological Services, P.C. (EEPS) is a professional group of psychologists offering comprehensive assessment and treatment services for children, adolescents and adults since 2003.  Corporate offices are located at 565 Route 25A, Suite 201, Miller Place, NY 11764.

Contact: Joseph S. Volpe, Ph.D.
Tel. (631) 821-7214 or Toll Free (888) 988-3377