Press Release Headlines

Prevent Home Fires and Enjoy the Fireplace This Winter with the Pine Mountain® Creosote Buster™ Firelog

New Patented Technology Reduces Dangerous Creosote Buildup Two Times More Than the Leading Competitor

DALEVILLE, Ind., Dec. 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Nothing conjures up images of a cozy winter evening at home more than a warm glow from the family fireplace. For those 32 million households with wood burning enthusiasts, a gas fireplace just won't do. In fact, most build a wood burning fire at least twice per week. Yet, home heating fires are the second leading cause of all home fires in the U.S., with 38% of those involving the fireplace or chimney. According to an October 2013 report from the National Fire Protection Association, "More than half (57%) of home fireplace, chimney and chimney connector fires involve failure to clean as a factor contributing to ignition."  

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What is Creosote?
Creosote is a black, oily substance that sticks to the walls of the chimney, created when burning wood. It's estimated to be involved in 25% of all home heating fires. According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America, creosote has three stages, each one becoming more hazardous and increasingly difficult to remove from the flue. Over time, this buildup can become several inches thick, potentially causing a flash fire in the chimney that can easily lead to a house fire. The intense flames often cause a fire on the roof or damage the flue, causing combustible parts of the home to ignite.

Most people are aware of the dangers of creosote, but many don't take action to prevent the problem. A recent survey by Pine Mountain states that nearly 60% of consumers believe that their chimney should be cleaned once per year, but only 41% actually hire a professional chimney sweep. The new Pine Mountain® Creosote Buster™ Firelog can help prevent chimney fires by burning one Firelog every 40 fires.

The Creosote Buster Firelog works on all wood fireplaces, as well as wood and pellet stoves. It's easy to use, is all natural and contains no wax. Simply add one Firelog to an existing fire and it will begin working on the creosote. When heated, the powder in the inner core changes to an active gas which attacks and reduces creosote in the chimney rather than sticking to the chimney walls. This patented technology removes two times more creosote than the leading competitor, according to an independent test by OMNI-Test Laboratories, Inc.

Common Warning Signs of a Chimney Fire
Creosote often builds up high in the chimney, far enough that you won't see it in the darkness. Therefore, even if you keep the fireplace clean and conduct routine chimney maintenance, the dangers are still real. There are warning signs, but once you see them, it's usually too late. Signs include:

  • A loud crackle, pop or rumbling sound like a freight train
  • Shooting flames or dark smoke billowing from the top of the chimney
  • Smoke inside the home and an intense, strong smell

Chimney Safety Tips
The National Fire Protection Association offers these important reminders:

  • Burn only dry, well-seasoned wood
  • Use artificial logs according to manufacturer's recommendations
  • Use only newspaper, kindling wood, or manufactured firestarters to start a fire
  • Never use flammable liquids, such as lighter fluid, kerosene or gasoline to start a fire

Pine Mountain adds:

  • Supervise children around an open fire
  • Never leave a fire unattended
  • Have a fire extinguisher or fire suppressant nearby

The Pine Mountain Creosote Buster Firelog retails for $14.99 and is available at mass merchandisers, grocery, drug, and hardware stores nationwide.

Christie Hester
(708) 268-9222