Press Release Headlines

Press the Sends Out "their President Obama" to Find Out What Matters to Americans

Photos point to the importance of the President to address issues directly with the public.

WASHINGTON, June 30, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — With President Barack Obama garnering media attention recently with impromptu trips to Starbucks as well as Chipotle, the editorial staff at sent around its "president" to engage citizens in Washington, DC, on political issues. After all, Americans are discussing issues they want to press the president and Congress on every day. So who better to listen to those questions then our "Obama?"

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"Our president" spoke with people on the National Mall, asking the question, "If given the chance, what's one issue you'd 'Press the President' or any other elected official on?" He received a number of concerns, which are listed below. We want to know what issue you would press the president on. Write your stories here:

  • Congressional Term Limits: One interviewee desired establishing Congressional term limits. At present, no congressional term limits are in place. Theoretically, a politician could serve as a Member of Congress indefinitely. Should this be allowed?
  • The Dream Act: Certainly a hot button issue in the news today, the Dream Act focuses on aid for alien minors in our country and providing a path to citizenship. When considering immigration legislation what should lawmakers consider in regards to minors? Should these people be represented separately from their adult counterparts or is a blanket policy appropriate?
  • Getting American Troops Out of Afghanistan: A Vietnam War veteran told "our President Obama" to "get out of Afghanistan!" Do you agree with this sentiment? Why or why not?

These political opinions are just a few that people raised. We look forward to hearing from you about these issues and more on Press the President. Make sure to watch out for Press the President's "Meet Our President" video coming this Fall!

About Press the President:

Press the President is a worldwide forum for unfiltered debate about U.S. issues that affect the globe. The site's founders have created a space where writers can express their opinions freely. Americans are often criticized as not having enough of a political voice. Press the President provides a platform for people who want to make their voices heard from the White House to Main Street. Online visitors can share their views at or visit our Facebook page at to join in our weekly debates.


Kipp Lanham
