Press Release Headlines

Popularity for Sale: 'Gaga-Like' Status on Facebook Being Bought and Sold by Businesses and Celebrities Alike

NEW YORK, Aug. 3, 2010 — Lady Gaga has recently been announced as the most popular living celebrity in the world after reaching the impressive milestone of more than 14 million fans on her Facebook fan page. And while the pop starlet probably needs no assistance boosting her fan numbers, one company is now selling anyone the ability to achieve the same dizzying levels of stardom on Facebook, providing of course they have the cash to throw around.

Social media marketing company ) was the first company in the world to capitalize on the fact that businesses would "buy" fans on Facebook and they've now announced their clients have the ability to buy up to 20 million fans at a time, meaning just about anyone with a fat wallet can be more popular than Lady Gaga, at least on Facebook.

"We designed the new service around the fact that there were thousands of businesses out there searching for information on how to get a larger fan base on Facebook," said's 25-year-old CEO and founder, Leon Hill. "Our new service now gives just about any business or wannabe celebrity the ability to attract the kind of status and popularity very few achieve."

The company sells packages of fans starting at $197 for 1000, which they say are all real people and can be targeted to whatever industry the customer's business is in.

But any business or entertainer wanting to achieve the heights of super-stardom had better be aware of the costs involved. While's Facebook marketing packages start at a reasonable $197, to gain 20 million fans will require a small fortune.

"We don't disclose publicly the cost of our larger packages as this can vary depending on what the client is looking for, though suffice it to say anyone wanting to achieve 20 million Facebook fans will need upwards of $250,000 to invest," said Hill. "Despite this, we don't expect to sell our large packs extensively. We know our packages of one thousand to ten thousand will still remain the hot sellers."

But despite stating that businesses have been flocking to the service because of its apparent power in marketing through social media channels, the Facebook advertising service hasn't always been an easy affair for the company to sell.

Merely weeks after their initial launch, received a legal Cease & Desist notice from Facebook's lawyers stating breach of terms; however, uSocial has since continued to operate.

More information on uSocial's Facebook marketing service can be gathered by going to .


The first company in the world to allow customers to buy Twitter followers, as well as provide the sale of Facebook fans and friends to the public. uSocial and its CEO Leon Hill have been featured in media including The Economist, BBC, LA Times, CNN, CBS, Fox News and many other outlets.

Media Contact
Leon Hill

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