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Plastic Surgeon Brian K. Reedy Reveals How Lasers Have Solved 5 Difficult Skin Care Problems

Minimally invasive skin care treatments open up a world of options for nonsurgical cosmetic improvement, says leading Pennsylvania plastic surgeon

READING, Pa., March 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Of the many technological advancements in cosmetic medicine to evolve in the past couple of decades, the one that has had the greatest impact is the use of the laser. Lasers can deliver impressive results to patients with little to no downtime and minimal risks, says Dr. Brian K. Reedy, a leading Pennsylvania surgeon with over 20 years experience in facial plastic surgery.

"In the hands of a skilled practitioner, a laser is a versatile and powerful tool," says Reedy, "Laser treatments can also be combined with other protocols to provide superb cosmetic results. Many dermatological conditions can also be treated successfully with lasers."

Lasers focus intense beams of light onto the skin to produce heat that can be modulated to achieve different effects, and there are two basic categories of laser skin treatments: ablative procedures which remove the top, damaged layers of skin (the epidermis), and non-ablative procedures that treat the skin at a deeper level (the dermis).

These procedures can be combined to customize treatments for an individual patient. According to Dr. Reedy, there are 5 major ways that the laser has revolutionized skin care, offering effective treatment options for many issues that were difficult to address before their development.

1. Wrinkle reduction. Laser treatments can restore a more youthful appearance to the face by decreasing fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen production can be stimulated in the treated areas, plumping up the skin.

2. Skin resurfacing. Laser therapy can improve the appearance of the surface of the skin in a variety of ways. Dark spots, age spots, and other pigmentation issues can be improved through the targeted injury created through laser resurfacing; healthy new skin then grows in the treatment area.

3. Scar treatment. A protocol of laser therapy can improve the appearance of scars from acne, injury, or previous surgery. The scar is made smoother and softer because the laser affects the blood vessels inside the scar and stimulates collagen production.

4. Vascular blemishes. Port wine stains, spider veins, rosacea, and other vascular issues can be successfully treated with a series of laser treatments. Each of these conditions is related to an abnormal amount collection of blood vessels and they can be precisely targeted with laser energy.

5. Hair removal. Hair removal can be achieved through laser treatments that arrest the growth of the hair follicle while it is in the active (growing) phase. A series of treatments is required, but it eliminates the need to repeatedly wax, shave, or bleach unwanted hair on the body.

"Lasers may seem like magic," says Dr. Reedy, "but the technology is only as good as the provider administering the treatment." Anyone seeking information on laser treatments should consult with an experienced plastic surgeon to explore all the available options for therapy.

About Berks Plastic Surgery: Berks Plastic Surgery serves the Allentown, Reading, Harrisburg, and Philadelphia areas of Pennsylvania, providing plastic surgery and dermatology services. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brian K. Reedy and plastic surgeon Dr. John G. Fernandez perform a full complement of aesthetic surgeries and cosmetic treatments. Reach Berks Plastic Surgery at 610.320.0200 or

Media Contact: Dr. Brian K. Reedy, 610.320.0200.