Press Release Headlines

Perseus Telecom Provides Fastest Ultra-Low-Latency Route from NYSE Euronext to Deutsche Bourse

NEW YORK, March 2, 2011 — Perseus Telecom, a global provider of telecommunications, announced today they provide the fastest connection between NYSE Euronext at Interxion in the United Kingdom and Deutsche Bourse in Frankfurt, Germany. "With the increasing importance of speed in today's trading environment, having a connection that is quicker, even by microseconds, can give traders a competitive edge," says Jock Percy, CEO of Perseus Telecom.

This newly developed ULL route from Perseus Telecom offers tested performance at 8.702 ms roundtrip delay with a guaranteed Service Level Agreement. "The cost of doing this is marginally higher than a standard connection, but the advantages of being quicker than the competition or to mitigate risk are great," says Jock Percy, CEO.

Kevin Dean, Chief Marketing Officer, Interxion, commented, "As a leading provider of low-latency connectivity between financial centres such as London and Frankfurt, Perseus Telecom is a valued member of the Financial Services community at Interxion's Financial Hubs. Interxion offers cost-effective collocation facilities in London and Frankfurt, amongst others, where capital markets participants can benefit from low-latency connectivity to the European markets. For example, Interxion's City of London data centre is the closest SFTI access centre to NYSE Euronext's new European Liquidity Centre in Basildon, United Kingdom."

For more information on Perseus Telecom, go to or contact Amy Anderson at 212-300-6813.

Interxion Ltd Contact:
Ali Moinuddin, Marketing Director
Tel: +44 (0)207 375 7038, E-mail: Email

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