Press Release Headlines

One-Woman Artisan Skin Care Start-up Vies for Best 'Made in America' Title

Skin Care Expert Competing for Martha Stewart Title of Best Products Made in the USA

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Aug. 15, 2012 — Jennifer Devlin, founder of Celtic Complexion Organic Skin Care, has been nominated to compete in the Martha Stewart Presents American Made Awards, honoring small entrepreneurs across the land for their creativity, ingenuity, and inspiring products.

Inspired by the testimonials about her products from her loyal customers, Devlin entered the contest to expose her brand to a national audience. "Being a start-up brand, it's almost next to impossible to compete with beauty brands that have mammoth advertising budgets. People are conditioned to buy what they see most, not buy what is best for the health of their skin," says Devlin.

Large corporate companies put the majority of their profits to advertising campaigns, whereas indie brands put their profits into the highest-quality ingredients. The flip side is they lack brand awareness. It's a classic David vs. Goliath scenario. This award aims to place a spotlight on the Davids of the country.

Devlin's highly sought-after skincare products are specifically formulated for sensitive complexions and dry skin. Celtic Complexion is vetted by celebrity make-up artists such as Angela Peralta and Paige Padgett and recommended by green beauty websites such as and The demand for Devlin's products are high, with a waiting list of up to two weeks because each product is made in small batches rather than mass produced to ensure freshness and quality.

In addition to using pure ingredients in skin care, Devlin recommends these five anti-aging secret weapons:

1. Coconut Oil: The "King of Beauty Oils." Supplement your diet with coconut oil, which feeds your skin nutrient-dense, essential fatty acids, which are responsible for the bounce and elasticity of your skin.

2. Pro-Biotics. Skin conditions start in the gut: a daily dose of pro-biotics keeps the intestines clear, and the cellular waste debris from backing up, contributing to acne and rosacea.

3. Fill Your Home With Plants. The most toxic place on earth is inside your home. Plants absorb indoor pollution such as formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, pesticides and disinfectants. These pollutants contribute to allergies, headaches and fatigue.

4. Meditate Daily. Stress is the most common contributing factor of aging. Stress shows up in the form of wrinkles, dark circles and blotchiness. Managing stress through 20-minute daily meditation can take years off your appearance.

5. Invest in a Water Filtration System. A good shower filter will absorb and neutralize common toxins such as chlorine, leaving skin and hair soft.

Voting begins on September 7 and the winner will be honored at the American Made event in New York City, will appear in the Martha Stewart Living magazine, and will receive $10,000 to further his or her business.

For more information about Celtic Complexion, visit

CONTACT: Jennifer Devlin
PHONE: 727 290-5981
EMAIL: Email

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