Press Release Headlines

Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons Recognizes April 25th as Parental Alienation Awareness Day

CARSON CITY, Nev., Jan. 24, 2007 — Nevada has joined Maine and Iowa in statewide recognition of April 25th as Parental Alienation Awareness Day. In its Certificate of Recognition, Nevada states, "With awareness comes education and understanding, in stopping the abuse of children caught in the crossfire of people they love."

Former President Clinton has declared April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. In conjunction with Child Abuse Prevention Month, Parental Alienation Awareness Organization (PAAO) is working on numerous events including a Governors campaign to increase awareness of Parental Alienation (PA) and Hostile Aggressive Parenting (HAP).

Alienating behaviors such as talking negatively about a parent, or interfering with communication and visitation of a parent in a divorce and custody situation, can severely damage or destroy the parent-child bond.

The most common symptom of children affected by Parental Alienation is their severe opposition to, and contact with, one parent and/or overt hatred towards that parent with little or no reason.

"This can result in devastating emotional problems for the child," explains Robin Denison, PAAO co-founder. "These maladaptive consequences can range from confusion, divided loyalties, depression and anxiety, to difficulties with their own relationships."

PAAO encourages courts to consistently follow custody guidelines, issue sanctions for those who would violate these laws, and provide for intervention and reintegration programs for those families affected by alienating behaviors.

Sarvy Emo, co-founder of PAAO, states, "Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting rob a child of a loving relationship they once shared with a parent."

Parental Alienation Awareness wishes to thank Shawn A. Evans, Sr., president of P.A.S.S.A.G.E. in Las Vegas, Hazel Davis, founder of PASkidsindistress in Maine, and Kaycee Schippers in Iowa for their help in obtaining state proclamations and recognition of April 25th as Parental Alienation Awareness Day.

For more information about the Governors campaign, as well as information about Parental Alienation, Hostile Aggressive Parenting, and April 25th – Parental Alienation Awareness Day, visit .


Sarvy Emo
Tel: 416-840-5654
Fax: 866-232-8134

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