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Morgan James Publishing Releases Step-by-Step Guide for Dramatic Weight Loss

NEW YORK, Jan. 7, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Morgan James Publishing's ( new release 100 Small Steps: The First 100 Pounds You Gotta Think Right by Keith "Temple" Trotter with a foreword written by Dr. Kevin Ronneberg, offers readers a unique perspective for getting rid of the extra weight for good.

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In a country where 19 percent of the population is overweight and an additional 13 percent is obese, people are looking for a change. Constantly assailed by "low-fat" and "low-calorie" diet plans, or calorie counting options, many Americans fight the weight-loss battle and lose. But Trotter wants his readers to know that there is hope.

Like many others, Trotter had tried and failed to lose the extra weight. After years of struggling with depression, he finally discovered how to reach and maintain the healthy weight he desired. It wasn't a complex dieting plan or a rigid exercise schedule that allowed him to make the changes necessary to get there, but a shift in his mindset that happened one step at a time.

Trotter now shares these steps with his readers through three installments of 100 Small Steps. His first book, containing steps 1–33, teaches his readers the proper way to think about body image, food, and weight-loss. 100 Small Steps: The First 100 Pounds You Gotta Think Right provides the path to:

  • Redefine food as fuel and not as a comfort or reward "Food is fuel, no more, no less"
  • Understand how our bodies deal with stress and the correlative weight gain
  • Define the concepts of ego depletion and decision fatigue and how to combat both
  • Reject the concept that accountability equals the acceptance of judgment and shame
  • Outline their own path and start their own journals using the embedded questions pages

Broken into small, manageable sections, 100 Small Steps: The First 100 Pounds You Gotta Think Right is a perfect read for anyone who wants to lose weight or simply change their perspective about food. Trotter's conversational style makes it easy for his readers to connect with him—he even provides a glossary for terms that are hard to understand. At the end of each step, readers have a chance to reflect and respond, making each step their own. By following Trotter's advice and "thinking right," the pounds will steadily start to disappear.

If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Keith "Temple" Trotter, please call Rick Frishman at 516.620.2528 Ext.101.

About the Author:
The founder of Temple Consulting, Keith "Temple" Trotter started off as a successful finance and operations manager. His life changed forever when a photo of him weighing 386 pounds showed up in his Facebook timeline. Since then he has lost 168 pounds using his principles of research, testing and results documentation. Several news organizations and networks, including, Haneef Jordan's "Talking with Truth," and Oprah Winfrey Network's "Love in the City," have featured his story. Temple is passionate about helping others lose weight and make sustainable, transformative change in their lives. Trotter currently lives in Hudson, Wisconsin and shares his encouraging story with those around him.

More About This Title:
100 Small Steps: The First 100 Pounds You Gotta Think Right by Keith "Temple" Trotter will be released by Morgan James Publishing on January 6, 2015. 100 Small Steps—ISBN 978-1614489238—has 146 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $12.95 and hardcover for $34.95.

About Morgan James Publishing:
Morgan James Publishing provides entrepreneurs with the vital information, inspiration, and guidance they need to be successful. Morgan James Publishing, The Entrepreneurial Publisher™, was recognized by Publisher's Weekly, for two consecutive years, on their fast growing press list and was reported as being the future of publishing by Jay Conrad Levinson.

Rick Frishman, Publisher
Morgan James Publishing
516.620.2528 Ext.101