Press Release Headlines

Merrill Slams GOP Nominees on Gay Marriage

PALM SPRINGS, Calif., Sept. 10, 2008 — Charles Merrill, cousin of Merrill Lynch's founder – and openly bisexual widower of Johnson & Johnson heir Evangeline (Woody Johnson's aunt, owner of the New York Jets) – has spoken out against Vice President GOP nominee Sara Palin's Pentacostal religion and its homophobic views towards gay people. Palin's church, Wasilla Bible Church, believes that people can "pray away the gay" and is actively promoting Focus on the Family's Love Won Out conference – which will be coming to Anchorage this Saturday.

Merrill, outraged, said, "Sarah Palin opposes same-sex marriage. I oppose her having 5 children in an overpopulated world. She is another deluded Pentacostal Christian like the former Attorney General John Ashcroft. Do we want a Vice President like that? Didn't she know that a woman over 40 has an increased chance of having a baby with Down syndrome? Definitely not a leader who makes wise choices."

Yesterday, on September 9, 2008, Merrill and his partner Kevin Boyle were legally married at the City of Palm Springs, Palm Springs, California.

Merrill is a part of a growing Federal gay tax protest. For more information, visit


Charles Merrill

760 219 1121

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