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Jealousy Paralyzes Creativity, Productivity and Relationships, Says Stress Relief Expert Lauren E. Miller

DENVER, July 12, 2011 — According to Harvard Medical School, 80% of disease is stress related. "Jealousy can create stress," says stress relief expert Lauren E. Miller, who recently launched her 4th book, 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Stressing Out!

"I know because I went through divorce and cancer at the same time. There are many emotions that course through your body during the day that can rapidly increase the stress hormone along with blood pressure in your body, jealousy being one of them. You often find yourself in the jealousy jungle at work, socially and in your own home," Miller says.

"What is jealousy? It is a restless poison that when given into has the potential to not only steal your inner peace but create havoc physiologically speaking. It takes you over like a crazy spider monkey impairing your ability to think and respond with any amount of clarity, preventing you from remembering your unique God-given talents and abilities," she says.

This is a book that motivational speaker Les Brown says "Will literally save lives."

"Jealousy acts as a fertilizer to stress in the body every time. It flows from feelings of lack and inadequacy. When you find yourself imprisoned by the serpent of jealousy, you disconnect yourself from creativity and inner inspiration, you forget the presence of God within you, and you become consumed with the 'I'm not good enough just as I am' mentality," says Miller.

"As a stage three cancer survivor, after being told I am in one of the highest groups for recurrence, I choose to create an environment conducive to peace and calm within my body. An essential ingredient to this choice is to love and accept myself just as I am, then I can offer that gift to those around me on a daily basis. Celebrating your unique gifts rather than living under the weight of comparison results in inner peace and productivity. Most people end up coping with stressful emotions on a daily basis, as a result, stress-related illnesses are on the rise. It's time to take back your ability to heal," says Miller.

Here are a few jealousy quotes taken from 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Stressing Out! ( to help you move out of the jealousy jungle back to inner peace:

  • Whenever you make the conscious choice to stop your antics of comparison, know that you open yourself up to remembering your God-given ability to celebrate your uniqueness and others.
  • Next time you notice that envy knot in your stomach, start to connect to everything you are grateful for in your life including everything that is working out for you. This practice will get you out of your head and back into your heart where love can have its way with you again.
  • Make a list at the end of your day that starts with, "I love the way I…" reflect on the moments you appreciated about yourself including your choices to bring beauty, creativity, guidance and love into the world. In this place you can remember that you are beautifully and wonderfully created in love and for love, lacking nothing for a life of value.

"You envy, covet and are jealous when you forget the unique value you bring into this world. Remember your worth and act on it today," concludes Miller.

To celebrate the launch of 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Stressing Out!, Stress Solutions University is offering 9 FREE quick stress relief video lessons taught by Lauren. Go to for all of the stress-free details.

About Lauren E. Miller

Lauren E. Miller has received national recognition in Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, CNBC, Lifetime and Discovery, along with the International Journal of Healing and Care. Using one-on-one coaching, teleseminars, seminars and workshops, Lauren works with men and women worldwide empowering them with techniques and skills to de-stress their lives. As an international speaker, Lauren has shared the stage with some of today's most inspirational speakers. Her first book is an Amazon Best Seller and Indie Book Award Winner: Hearing His Whisper…a Journey through Cancer and Divorce.

Lauren is currently working on the screenplay for her story, a dramedy (drama/comedy).

Her fourth book, 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Stressing Out! hit #1 on Amazon for Stress Management and is available on

For more information, please visit her website at

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For interviews, please contact Amy Sampson at 303-316-0441, Email.

Amy Sampson

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