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Do NOT Invent Book Receives National Acclaim with Three Awards from USA Book News, Bringing the Number of Awards to Twenty Received This Year

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn., Nov. 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — The new book called Do NOT Invent Buggy Whips Create! Reinvent! Position! Disrupt! by award-winning and Amazon best-selling author Ken Thurber has been notified that it has racked up three new national book awards from USA Book News. Do NOT Invent was a finalist in the category of Best New Business Book; it was also recognized as a finalist in the category of Business: Entrepreneurship & Small Business and it was a finalist in Business: Motivational.

There were more than 1,500 entries and winners and finalists traversed the publishing landscape: St. Martin's Press, Harper Collins, Crown, John Wiley & Sons, Hyperion, McGraw-Hill, Sounds True, NASA, American Cancer Society and hundreds of independent houses.

Award highlights included titles such as: Until Tuesday: A Wounded Warrior and the Golden Retriever Who Saved Him by Luis Carlos Montalvan with Bret Witter (Hyperion) was honored in the "Autobiography/Memoirs" category. The Optimization Edge: Reinventing Decision Making to Maximize All Your Company's Assets by Steve Sashihara (McGraw-Hill) placed number one in the General Business category.

To date Thurber's new book Do NOT Invent has won twenty awards and also became an Amazon best seller the week of its official launch.

The book's main theme of product reinvention and personal reinvention has resonated with reviewers and readers as evidenced by its awards and Amazon rankings. According to the author, Ken Thurber, Do NOT Invent had its genesis in unresolved questions and comments from his first book – Big Wave Surfing – Extreme Technology Development, Management, Marketing and Investing.

Thurber says, "I found that my first book raised many questions, chief among them was – how do people innovate and how do you define innovation." Accordingly the main theme of the book is about reinvention and understanding how companies position their products. In the pages of Do NOT Invent you'll find case studies of products like the Ford Mustang, the Segway and the iPod. The book examines why some products get it right while others don't quite measure up.

In Time for the Holiday Season Signed Copies of Big Wave Surfing and Do NOT Invent Buggy Whips Now Available at Redbery Books

Taking advantage of a "New Wave" in book display and promotion, Ken Thurber, the author of best sellers Big Wave Surfing and Do NOT Invent Buggy Whips, and Redbery Books have announced the ability to order signed copies of Dr. Thurber's books. Books can be picked up in-store or ordered online. Redbery, a leading independent book store, has been at the forefront of new ideas in book promotion. Many people want a direct connection with the author, and people are now buying and actively shopping for books signed by the author.

Dr. Thurber's last two books have garnered a significant amount of critical (Big Wave Surfing has garnered over 30 awards since its launch in 2011) and consumer praise, ranking in the top tier of Amazon best sellers at their respective launch dates. According to the author, "Redbery has been an important partner from the start. Last year when I wrote my first non-fiction book, Big Wave Surfing, they were one of the first independent book stores to pick up the book."

While talking about that first book Thurber says, "I wrote Big Wave Surfing as an analogy to show how disruption causes big waves to form and that these disruptions will have far-reaching economic, political and social effects."

Thurber continues, "We are talking about disruption, and often extreme techniques are needed to deal with this disruption. If we don't boldly embrace the next wave, the innovation economy, where the next wave of entrepreneurs and job creators will be found, then profound structural changes will occur in American society."

About the Author:

Kenneth J. Thurber, Ph.D. is a renowned computer architect and has developed technology and systems worth billions of dollars. He developed the concept of "technology big wave surfing" to empower readers to understand and harness the opportunity of an ever-changing technological marketplace.

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