Press Release Headlines

Introducing Akilla, the World's First Drowsy Driving Educational App Designed to Prevent Crashes and Save Lives

WELLINGTON, New Zealand, March 21, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Most people are aware of the dangers posed by drunk driving and increasingly driving under the influence of drugs, but there is a third malign influence stalking the world's roads and influencing drivers, often without them becoming aware until it's too late – drowsy driving.


Akilla is the world's first drowsy driving educational app and it might just save your life one day. Without ceremony, Akilla tells users the subtle warning signs of drowsy driving, how drowsy driving impacts them and what action steps must be taken to avoid a serious or even fatal crash.

Akilla is available to download for free from the iTunes store for the iPhone and iPad and from the Google Play Store for Android smartphones and tablets.

Along with helpful hints and suggestions for how to get home safely if you become drowsy while driving your vehicle, Akilla features a 15-minute PowernAP timer to help users overcome the worst symptoms and gain a sufficient energy and attention boost.

Drowsy driving kills and the free Akilla app may just be the difference between getting home safely and not getting home at all.

Notes to Editors
The Akilla App was created by New Zealand Sleep Safety Ltd. For more information on the app please contact Email or visit

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Martin S. Jenkins
Ph: 0064 4 473-2235