Press Release Headlines

Inconceivable: One Title, Four Books, Four Roads to Motherhood

WOODSTOCK, N.Y., Feb. 24, 2011 — On a recent Saturday evening, Julia Indichova, the author of Inconceivable (Trade Paperback, Broadway Books, 2001) received an email from Sepia Films, inquiring about the film rights to her memoir. This wasn't the first such inquiry but this time something didn't quite click. A few minutes later Indichova realized that the company thought they were writing to the author of the newly released Inconceivable, the story about a medical mistake. Carolyn and Mark Savage, in an attempt to conceive their fourth child through IVF, were implanted with the embryo of another couple. Ultimately they chose to release the child to his biological parents.

The new Inconceivable is in fact the fourth book with the same title. In 1997, after Indichova's book was first published, the Library Journal review read: "… the first book (about infertility) written from a patient's point of view…an important consumer health resource and a book that will make any reader feel stronger, no matter what their medical politics." 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the trade paperback edition of Indichova's Inconceivable.

The remaining two titles are by the English comedian Ben Elton, also documenting the trials of assisted reproduction, and a book by Sharon Woodward who chose the adoption path to motherhood.

All four stories are inconceivable in their own way. "However," says Indichova, "the other couples had the option of medical intervention. The diagnosis in our case was really: Inconceivable.

"In other words we were not offered IVF or any other treatment that would promise a biological pregnancy. That, looking back, became our saving grace. Otherwise we might not have had the courage to turn down a shot at IVF."

For Indichova, the inconceivable diagnosis became a doorway to connecting to what she calls her Inner Authority. It was the first time in her life that she dared to ignore the opinion of medical experts and launch a research project of her own. In a last ditch effort to prop up her wilting ovaries, she began a physical, emotional and spiritual overhaul, with radical changes in her diet and rigorous self-examination.

Eight months later a positive pregnancy test validated her experiment. Indichova gave birth to a healthy baby girl a few months before her 45th birthday, in direct contradiction to all that medical dogma of the day declared possible. Her healing regimen also cleared up debilitating sinus headaches and relieved painful rheumatism.

In the last decade and a half, Indichova's commitment to share the lessons of her journey led to the creation of, the first independent online advocacy resource, and the Fertile Heart™ Ovum Program, described in her second book, The Fertile Female (Adell Press, 2007, Link to video of workshop and testimonials

Endorsed by Mark Goldstein, Surgeon-in-Chief, Cornell Institute of Reproductive Medicine; Dr. Sami David; and other leading specialists in Reproductive Endocrinology, the programs offer the following mind-body tools meant to strengthen overall level of health and increase chances of conception.

  • Nutrition: How to deepen one's relationship with food, eliminating foods that impair reproductive health, replacing them with fertility boosting meals and recipes.
  • Movement: How to access and release painful, conflicting feelings about motherhood that may be buried deep within the tissues
  • Imagery: How to use images to identify inner obstacles that contribute to fertility difficulties.
  • Dream work: How to reconstruct dreams and read them as mirrors of hidden truths that might hinder conception.
  • Language: Using language as a creative tool by observing how words reveal self-defeating beliefs and how one can choose language that supports our efforts.

The one thing all four Inconceivable stories have in common is that each of the couples are parents. In spite of the IVF mistake, the Savages are also blessed with two sons and a daughter.

Julia Indichova will be leading a workshop in New York City on April 5th and May 3rd, and in Woodstock, New York on March 6th. Indichova's clients in San Francisco, Philadelphia, New York City, Houston, and other cities who conceived with the help of the Fertile Heart™ mind-body program are available for interviews. Members of the media are welcome to attend workshops.

Edward Baum

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