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Full Cup, Thirsty Spirit: Nourishing the Soul When Life's Just Too Much

NEW YORK, Dec. 13, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — In her new book, Full Cup, Thirsty Spirit (Hay House, December 31, 2012) psychology expert Karen Horneffer-Ginter, Ph.D. encourages readers to re-think the fullness of their calendars and to consider all that's right with themselves and their lives.

"This way of approaching the New Year is different from the more typical resolution that focuses on what's wrong with our lives and what we should be doing more of," she said. While her ideas around taking time to slow down, be quiet, and listen within may not be controversial in theory, it's often quite radical for people to apply these ideas to their actual lives—just as it's quite radical to consider doing less in the New Year as opposed to doing more.

As she explains in her book, "We live in a world of constant movement, and our day-to-day lives seem to get busier by the hour. Our days are full of information, full of obligations, full of friends and family, full of everything except fulfillment. Rushing has become a national epidemic, and even when we're rushing to and from rewarding and positive activities—we can still end up feeling drained, exhausted, and overwhelmed by the sheer volume of life."

The release of Full Cup, Thirsty Spirit falls on the Eve of the New Year—a time when many people gear up to set new goals and add more to their days. In contrast, her message encourages people to turn away from seeking outcomes and achievements in the outer world, and to take a break in order to bring their attention within.

"Often the more successful we are at carving out a life with meaningful activities and relationships, the more likely we are to get overwhelmed by the demands of all that we've created. The busyness that accompanies our 'full cup' leaves us thirsty at a deeper level—creating an ache in our souls and preventing us from hearing our own wisdom to know what needs to happen in our lives and inside ourselves," she said.

As an expert in psychology, she draws from client interactions and practical exercises, as well as her personal experiences of being a wife, mother, yoga teacher, and university professor. She applies this experience and expertise to help us find balance in the swirl of daily life so we can reconnect with what matters most. It is no secret that we carry an overload of stress— especially during and after the holiday season as we try to re-assess by doing more and "filling our cup."

"My message in Full Cup, Thirsty Spirit will arrive just in time for the New Year as a wonderful companion in our pause to evaluate how we want to spend our time and focus our attention," she said.

About Karen Horneffer-Ginter
Karen Horneffer-Ginter has been practicing psychology and teaching yoga and contemplative practices for more than 16 years. She has also taught graduate students and health-care professionals, along with directing a university-based holistic health-care program, and co-founding the Center for Psychotherapy and Wellness in Kalamazoo, Michigan. For more information, please visit

For further information, contact Erin Dupree, Publicist, Email, 646-484-4957