Press Release Headlines

FileGenius(TM) Version 3.0 Announced Today

ATLANTA, May 5, 2009 — Applied Answers, Inc. announced FileGenius(R) version 3.0, a major upgrade to the affordable, business-only web-based file transfer and exchange solution. FileGenius(R) was initially released in February 2008 and version 3.0 will be ready and live-on-site by mid-summer 2009, according to Diane Miller, media liaison for Applied Answers, Inc., developer of FileGenius(R).

All upgrades will be applied instantly and automatically to all users of FileGenius(R), and, as always, with no increase in subscription fees.

FileGenius is unique in their industry because of their no-limit usage policy for ALL subscribers, regardless of price, and their private-label policy whereby there is no mention of FileGenius(R) on any subscriber's site or in their site address.

Keith Bumgarner, founder of Applied Answers, Inc., called it more than an upgrade, saying, "Up until now we've added features we knew were necessary to make our chosen vertical markets take notice of us. Now our course is set on enhancing the application in order to gain widespread acceptance, along with significant market share, in these same vertical markets. The new features, which will first appear in early summer '09, and continue to be phased in through mid-fall of '09, will require changing the look and feel of the product, due to the nature and extent of the upgrades."

The success of FileGenius(R) has accelerated the development process. FileGenius(R) has experienced its most profitable months since inception in January, February, March, and April, with each successive month exceeding the last. The fact FileGenius(R) saves organizations significant money seems to be driving their phenomenal growth.

The latest round of upgrades is driven exclusively by suggestions and recommendations of the FileGenius(R) subscriber base. Unsolicited input from subscribers, as well as valuable feedback in response to company polls, have formed a consensus for the 10 new features and innovations FileGenius(R) will deliver. The priority and order of the delivery of these upgrades has also been significantly influenced by subscriber input. Mr. Bumgarner concluded his remarks by saying he felt there was no one better than those who use FileGenius(R) every day to choose and drive the upgrades and improvements designed exclusively to make their jobs easier.

For more details on the features planned for version 3.0, download this information document:

To experience FileGenius(R) firsthand, visit the no sign-up required public demo at:

About Applied Answers, Inc., developer of FileGenius(R):

Combining unmatched talents and decades of hands-on experience, Applied Answers, Inc. develops solutions exclusively to enhance organizational efficiency as well as the quality of the work environment. For more information, visit


Diane Miller
Applied Answers, Inc.
888.753.2245, ext. 707

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