Press Release Headlines

FileGenius(R) Backs, Promotes Green File Transfer

ATLANTA, Feb. 11, 2009 — Applied Answers, Inc., developer of FileGenius(R), announced today they would donate resources to support ), a media outlet that is dedicated to raising awareness for virtual, online file transfer as a green initiative.

FileGenius(R) represents significant green benefits for businesses, eliminating non-recyclable containers and packaging materials, as well as costly fuel-consuming ground and air transportation. Founder and President, Keith Bumgarner, said, "Businesses worldwide are looking for alternatives to physical delivery of their documents, plans, and other files. In addition to the obvious security issues, they are driven by excessive costs, as well as their own environmental consciousness. When you start looking for ways to green your business there is little else I can think of that compares to digital file transfer."

Mr. Bumgarner went on to say their primary reason for backing is because file transfer is virtually ignored as a major green initiative. "If you Google file transfer and green you'll come up with less than five or six relevant articles or mentions of file transfer and green initiatives. File transfer doesn't make it into's '10 Ways to Green Your Business,' nor's '50 Ways to Green Your Business.' We don't understand this, so will be fighting what we consider one of the biggest oversights in the green movement.

"The positive impact of using FileGenius(R) is huge. It's also more efficient than other so-called green initiatives costing business owners and stockholders millions of dollars while delivering marginal impact. When businesses look at reducing their carbon footprint there's a lot of 'bang for your buck' with virtual technology. The cost is less than $4/day while you significantly shorten your billing cycle, forego costly overnight delivery expenses, eliminate the increasing costs and burdens associated with FTP and email attachments, and significantly aid the environment. All this, for the ridiculous price of one cup of coffee, makes virtual file transfer a slam-dunk for any organization."

Mr. Bumgarner challenged every responsible business to take a hard look at this.

FileGenius(R) is a web-based file transfer and exchange solution, compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, and all major web browsers. Offering unmatched ease-of-use as well as enterprise-level security and incredible value, FileGenius(R) is the business-preferred alternative to FTP and email-based file transfers.

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About Applied Answers, Inc.

Combining unmatched talents and decades of hands-on experience, Applied Answers, Inc. develops solutions for business that enhance the environment, and the bottom line. For more information, visit

Contact: Diane Miller, Applied Answers, Inc., 888.753.2245, ext. 707, Email

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