Press Release Headlines

Facebook Marketing Secret Slashes Advertising Costs 53%

NEW YORK, Oct. 6, 2010 — If there was a way you could cut your business' online advertising bill by up to 53% almost overnight, you would want to know about it, wouldn't you? Well, that's exactly what several clients of social media marketing company have experienced when using the Facebook marketing service found at after just a few short months.

"This week one of our regular clients pulled their entire online advertising budget from the several sources it was being invested in and handed it over to us," said CEO Leon Hill. "They told us they had increased traffic and sales by 15% using our Facebook marketing service, but with a decrease in cost of 53%."

The service in question allows businesses to purchase targeted Facebook fans or "likes" which are added to their profile and help in increasing their exposure on the social networking site.

Despite the powerful claims, however, the company says the service isn't a miracle cure-all for online advertising woes and that its effectiveness can be easily explained by repeated promotion to a targeted audience.

"We should be thought of as something of a social media dating agency to connect businesses with the right customers," said Hill of how the service works. "Using information publicly available on Facebook, we simply find people who have interests relevant to the customer's product or service and then send them to become fans of their profile."

"Once they have a base of targeted fans on Facebook, they can repeatedly connect with them and promote their service," said Hill. "It's like having an ultra-targeted mailing list of potential customers at the tip of your fingers."

But apart from just increasing a client's customer base and driving traffic to a website, uSocial says there are other benefits to using their service which can be likened to being popular on search engines like Google and Yahoo.

"The more fans a Facebook profile has, the more it shows up in searches on Facebook. In the end this means a lot more natural traffic that would not have been possible before using our service," said Hill.

More information on the service can be gathered by going to or by contacting the company via their website.


The first company in the world to allow people to buy Twitter followers, as well as allowing businesses to buy Facebook fans, and its CEO Leon Hill have been featured in media including The Economist, BBC, LA Times, CNN, CBS, Fox News and many other outlets.

Media Contact

Contact: Leon Hill, CEO
Phone: +1-646-233-4409
Email: Email

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