Press Release Headlines

Everlaw Redesigns Ediscovery Platform to Enable Attorney Momentum

Companies and law firms are expected to see significant efficiency and speed gains

BERKELEY, Calif., Feb. 3, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Ediscovery company Everlaw announced today the release of a complete software redesign based on its "Momentum Design" philosophy. The redesign included revisiting and reengineering every site element to better enable legal users to maintain focus and flow. The "Momentum Design" approach aims to keep users moving continuously through document review, making discovery faster and easier. Increasing speed and efficiency in review is critical: studies like RAND's "Where the Money Goes: Understanding Litigant Expenditures for Producing Electronic Discovery" show that review can make up 73% of ediscovery production costs!

"At the heart of momentum is velocity, which has two components: speed and direction," said Everlaw CEO AJ Shankar. "Speed relates to what you're doing now, but direction relates to what you're doing next. Our platform already provides best-in-class speed for your current task, and this redesign ensures that you can also progress to your next task with no loss of focus — or efficiency."

Improvements seen in this redesign include:

  • An improved touch screen and high-resolution display experience, to make working on multiple devices easier.
  • A completely reinvented user homepage, to make starting or resuming a task more immediate.
  • More intuitive action icons, to reduce time seeking how to code or rate a document.
  • A more visually-consistent batch coding interface, to make coding many documents as easy as coding one.
  • Improved in-platform message display and filtering, to make it easier to find case communications.
  • Extended abilities to reuse prior work, including customizable 'code as previous' feature

These improvements will enable an even faster and more focused discovery process for users, resulting in time and cost-efficiency in litigation. In a recent case, the platform's speed saved 560 hours in document-to-document navigation time alone when compared to competing software. The momentum-focused redesign is expected to further improve on these metrics.

About Everlaw

Everlaw is a legal technology company serving 8 of the top 10 class action law firms and over 65% of state attorneys general. The company is building the world's most advanced litigation platform, beginning with ediscovery, by making the most cutting-edge technology accessible with elegant and intuitive design. Its ease-of-use, blink speed, frequent user-driven updates, and predictable pricing set it apart in the ediscovery industry.

Press Contact: Ana Levin, Email