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Buffalo Computer Graphics' DisasterLAN Version 9.5 Vastly Expand User Capabilities With New Automated Features

BUFFALO, N.Y., June 24, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — DisasterLAN (DLAN) 9.5 offers a series of new automated features including auto-draft, auto-snapshot for GIS, automated email and feed filters, and automated bandwidth management. It also includes enhanced support for IPAWS, CAP, and other alerts in Communication Center templates.

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DLAN's new auto-draft feature ensures that users will never lose their work due to being disconnected for inactivity or internet connection issues. DLAN automatically saves copies of users' work and gives them the option to recover it when they next log in.

DLAN has also added an auto-snapshot tool to save mapping information. Users can now setup a map viewer that automatically captures weather, traffic, incidents, and other geographic information. Once snapped, map images can then be posted to tickets and status boards for others to view. They can also be included in after action reports so users will always know exactly what information was available when decisions were made.

Automated email and feed filtering is another powerful enhancement that will help users to better handle the volume of information coming into today's duty officers.  Instead of a centralized folder for information, feeds are now broken up by message type, helping users to better find the information they need.  Expanding upon this, inbound email feeds can now also be assigned to different roles to spread monitoring work amongst a larger pool of staff.

Finally, automated bandwidth management has been added to numerous modules to help users better utilize DLAN in mobile and hosted environments.  Maps now better manage when and how they update. Slide show images now automatically re-scale and ticket polygons on the map are now better sampled to provide a balance between high level detail and improved data transfer to mobile devices.  All of this adds up to letting DLAN users do more things more quickly from more types of devices.

In addition to all of these automated improvements, Communication Center templates have been enhanced to support IPAWS, CAP, and other alerts.  Also included are enhanced IPAWS tools that support canceling and updating messages.

Buffalo Computer Graphics' DLAN is a web-based incident management system designed for use in Emergency Operations Centers to manage both planned events and disasters using ICS and NIMS standards.

Nancy Kensy
Director of Marketing
Buffalo Computer Graphics
(716) 822-8668