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New Book Shows Local Businesses How to Master Google Local Search and Bring More Paying Customers Through the Door

APPLE VALLEY, Minn., July 7, 2010 — Local businesses all across America are struggling to stay alive, searching for anything that will bring customers through the door again. For many, it seems people just aren't buying anything anymore. But hungry customers search for local products and services every day. They're not wading through old-fashioned yellow print directories anymore. They're finding everything they need to know in seconds on Google and on their cell phones. How to Get Your Business On The First Page of Google: The definitive guide to attracting more customers by tapping the power of Google local search and mobile search shows smart businesses how to show up in front of more searchers, more often, by using careful keyword selection.

"With these techniques, they can land at the top of the search results online and on cell phones, resulting in more customers in the door and more money in the bank," says Dave Jabas, author of How to Get Your Business on the First Page of Google. "With local search, businesses show up in front of potential customers right when they need them most — when they're searching and ready to buy."

According to recent studies, 97% of consumers use online media to research products and services in their local area before going out to buy (Kelsey Group). In order to reach the maximum number of those searchers, businesses have to select the most lucrative keywords, not just the most obvious ones. Fail this one critical step and they could leave tens of thousands of dollars on the table.

Local Search Marketing is the new secret to success for local businesses. It's not a question of if business owners use this information, but when. The longer they put off getting listed, the harder it will be to reach the top spots. But using smart keyword research can make it easier. Bypassing the most obvious keywords and focusing on highly targeted words means you're reaching viable prospects in the right geographic area, not just random searchers.

How to Get Your Business on the First Page of Google explains how developing a smart keyword strategy helps struggling local businesses thrive in this new economy. To order the book and find out how easy and inexpensive it is to attract customers with local search call 952-388-1273 or go to


Find My Business Now is a team of local search marketing advisors dedicated to helping Main Street businesses succeed with this new form of online marketing. Using a combination of savvy keyword research, listing enhancements and online reviews, they help businesses save thousands on their annual advertising budgets, while bringing in more customers than ever before.


Dave Jabas, owner,
Phone: 952-388-1273
Email: Email

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