Press Release Headlines

AV Appliance Service Offers NYC Area Refrigerator and Oven Repairs for $150 Flat Fee

NEW YORK, Jan. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Today AV Appliance Service ( announced they will be offering a $150 flat fee offer for the repair of an oven and refrigerator in the NYC area.

After years of using traditional and modern printed and online advertising methods costing between $30-$100 per call, AV has decided to gradually stop all paid advertising and offer the best repair price while continuing to offer excellent customer service.

AV Appliance service is sure that by having customers spread the news of their great services and giving them good reviews online it will bring in ad-free businesses in the future.

Online advertising is getting too expensive and sadly in most cases the ones paying the price is the customer. Many online users do not know that every time they click on an advertised ad at most major search engines it cost the company between $10-$30 per click. Some users go through 3 to 6 companies before they decide on one, while costing companies between $30 to $100.

"We have been servicing the NYC area for over 4 years, we are licensed and insured, we have an A rating on BBB, Angie's list, and excellent reviews on Google. With our new $150 offer potential customers do not have to be afraid of the repairman anymore, we will not charge outrageous prices for the repair of a refrigerator or oven," Says Mr. Anchundia General Partner at AV Appliance service. For more information visit, call Robert Anchundia at 212-203-6541, or email Email.