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VegiBee Company Profile

The VegiBee Garden Pollinators are designed to improve the crop yield for commercial and hydroponic growers as well as home gardeners. The VegiBee Co. offers two pollinators including a 5 speed rechargeable unit that retails for $49.99 and an express battery powered unit that retails for $29.99. VegiBee Garden pollinators are designed to imitate the high frequency vibrations made by a bee’s wings during pollination. They create sonic vibrations that gently release pollen from the flower onto a specially designed collection spoon. In a matter of seconds, enough pollen is collected to pollinate 4-5 flowers by dipping the flower stigma into the collected pollen, on the same plant. The pollinators will boost the average garden yield by more than 30% annually. VegiBee Garden Pollinators are ideal for use on all tomatoes, peppers, beans, peas and eggplant. These self-pollinating plants possess the “perfect flower”, containing both the male and female reproductive parts in the same flower. VegiBee helps to overcome low crop yields in these plants, caused by shrinking bee populations and home gardens sheltered from the wind. With VegiBee, gardeners will enjoy an abundance of fresh homegrown produce, for a fraction of the cost of vegetables purchased at the store. And, with the increased yields obtained with VegiBee, most gardeners will recover the cost of the unit in less than one growing season. For many years, commercial growers have used electric pollinating wands to pollinate their vegetable plants, but these wands cost up to $300. The VegiBee Garden Pollinator offers the gardening enthusiast a more affordable option at just $49.99 for the rechargeable unit and $29.99 for the recently- released battery powered model. Free shipping is included with every unit. The 5-speed, rechargeable VegiBee Garden Pollinator (VBP-01) includes a recharging base, short and long wand, pollen spoon and is UL certified. The VegiBee Express (VBP-02) is battery powered and comes with a single speed pollinator, long wand, pollen spoon and a base unit. Both pollinators include a six-month conditional warranty and 30-day money back guarantee. Happy Gardening! Bill Whaley

News from VegiBee:

VegiBee™ Proudly Announces its Garden Pollinators were Featured in the New York Times

ST. LOUIS, May 3, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Innovative gardening tools that ensure bumper crops of vegetables for commercial growers and home food gardeners were recently featured in the April 25th edition of the New York Times, in an article titled Gadgets to Help Tend a Garden.  According to the Times, "the future is knocking at the […]