eNewsroom for: Tylers Coffee

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Tylers Coffee Company Profile

When I was sixteen years old, I decided to pursue my aspiration. I told my dad of my plan to be an entrepreneur and he supported me completely. He himself had caught the entrepreneurial bug and I know he is the one responsible for passing it on to me. I have always looked up to my dad and I knew I could make him proud. So a couple days after my revelation, my dad asked me the question that would shape my future, “Tyler, what are the two biggest commodities in the world?” I had no idea. He told me to go look it up and I rushed to my computer to find that the first was oil and the second was coffee. We decided that oil was a little of my reach but coffee was just waiting for me to sell it. My dad had a friend in the coffee business and one day he presented me with silver packs of coffee that had been roasted in Bosnia. I agreed to sell them and set off door to door with my bike and a backpack full of coffee. After I sold the first two cases, my dad’s friend realized I was serious and had ten more cases shipped. With those cases of coffee began the company we all know today as Tyler’s Coffee. The support I received from my dad and his friend was the foundation of my company. The next four years I grew and matured immensely. I needed to make sure I was not underestimated due to my age. I researched and studied my project to make sure I could answer any question precisely and in detail. This revival of my passion for entrepreneurialism were vital to who I am today and the success of my business. During the 2006 holiday season came the most wonderful gift of all, a spot on the shelf of an exclusive, high-end Arizona grocery store chain called AJ's Fine Foods. The success at the store in Tucson was phenomenal, so much so that we are now in every branch of AJ’s throughout Arizona. We sold more coffee in a month than any other new coffee company found in AJ’s. For now we plan on continuing to advertise our product and gain worldwide prestige.

News from Tylers Coffee:

GSN Features Tylers Acid-Free Coffee As Prize for Its Game-Playing Fans

Two Winners Could Receive Coffee for a Year; More than 1,000 Prizes Offered TUCSON, Ariz., Aug. 30, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Tylers Coffee was selected to be a featured prize by GSN, a multimedia entertainment company that offers original and classic game programming via its 73-million subscribers television network and online game sites. "GSN thought this would be a […]

Those Suffering from Overactive Bladder (OAB) and Interstitial Cystitis (IC) Can Finally Enjoy Their Coffee

TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 6, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Drinking coffee is one of life's simpler pleasures – except for people who have symptoms of overactive bladders (OAB) or interstitial cystitis (IC). Thanks to a new scientific study, coffee lovers can have their java and enjoy it without fear when they drink Tylers Acid Free Coffees. "Patients […]