eNewsroom for: SoANNoYING


SoANNoYING Company Profile

SoANNoYING is a community of ranters who have been posting, commenting and sending ANNoY-A-GRAMS since 2009. It is an app-driven home for wound-up folks, spouses at their wits end, grumps, coworkers on the brink, travelers, salespersons or customers who can’t take anymore, and all of us who are about to…snap. Here it is okay to read or post a picture and description of irritating observances: your husband’s shavings in the sink, a screaming baby at a restaurant, a couple wearing matching clothes, impossible packaging, heavy doors, the dumb rules we must follow, and the general infuriating nonsense that we all go through as consumers, students, employees and friends. - See more at: http://soannoying.com/#sthash.rkWHhkWX.dpuf

News from SoANNoYING:

Mondays Suck, Tuesdays are Terrible: SoANNoYING iPhone App Gives Users a Platform to Stop "Liking" and Start Ranting

NEW YORK, June 4, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Citizens driven to the ends of their ropes by life's petty nuisances finally can vent to their hearts content with the free, easy-to-use iPhone app, SoANNoYING, which provides a platform for anonymous commiseration. SoANNoYING users can share their annoyances, with photo, video, and text – from endless post office […]