eNewsroom for: Smile4Riley

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Smile4Riley Company Profile

Riley was born April 4, 2008 with Heterotaxy Syndrome (Asplenia Type) with CAVC (common AV canal), Pulmonary Atresia, Right Ventricle to Aorta, TAPVR (total anomolous pulmonary venous return)(Infradiaphragmatic-unobstructed) and RRA s/p LMBTS (right aortic arch status post left modified BT shunt), patch augmentation of Pulmonary Artery bifurcation and TAPVR repair at 4 days old. He subsequently developed... stenosis of each of his pulmonary veins and has undergone over a dozen Cardiac Catheterization with dilation/stent placement in all four pulmonary veins. He has also had a stent placed in the BT shunt. As of today Riley only has his RUPV and LLPV remaining. The other two have completely occluded. As of November 2, 2009 Riley has been listed for a Bilateral Lung/Heart Transplant and requires continuous O2. He did have a failed "sutereless repair" of his PV's 7/14/08. Riley also had the Ladds procedure January 6, 2009 along with placement of a G Tube. He still has a very long road ahead of him please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

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Little Boy Needs 3 Organs

Supermodel Emily Sandberg Volunteers To Help Riley O'Brien SOMERDALE, N.J., Feb. 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Riley O'Brien has fought for life since before he was born. During his Mother's 22 week pregnancy checkup the doctor determined there was a problem. The baby boy she was carrying had Heterotaxy Syndrome and Congenital heart disease. The doctors […]