eNewsroom for: Island Boost

Island Boost was created by Laura Mildon, an easily distracted runner with a very sensitive digestive system who got physically sick using traditional fueling products. She set about formulating a faster fuel that would provide energy rapidly without triggering nausea or cause vomiting or, worse, diarrhea. Gross stuff, but there’s a reason why people scout out where the port-a-potties are along the racecourse! Today Island Boost is led by a team of dedicated runners, cyclists, triathletes, and fitness enthusiasts with a passion for performance.

News from Island Boost:

Island Boost, the Makers of Premium Fuels for Endurance Athletes, Launch IndieGoGo Campaign to Find the Face of Its Next Flavor

Premium sports energy manufacturer takes the crowdfunding route in innovative effort to fund new chocolate flavor and inspire design and flavor of its next creation HOUSTON, Oct. 10, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Island Boost is a new, premium sports energy product in the same category as the popular gels used by athletes to improve their performance during […]