eNewsroom for: GlobalListings.org


GlobalListings.org Company Profile

GlobalListings.ws was created to fulfill demand for a forum specializing in global, national or multi-area classifieds. The global boundaries for commerce are rapidly evaporating for buying and selling products and services, and yet there are no viable online classifieds services. Craigslist, by far the most successful classifieds service, boasting more than 20 billion page views per month, only accepts local ads. As stated on Craigslist.org, “If your ad is equally relevant to all locations, your ad does not belong on local craigslist sites at all, please find another service. Posting the same ad to multiple locations is considered spamming, and is prohibited.” Yet so many services today are global in nature. When a company is looking for a programmer, a consultant, or a copywriter, they don't have to limit themselves to the talent pool in one single location. A good professional located in any part of the word can provide a quality service via internet. Many other professionals “telecommute”. Online services are global. Products can be easily shipped to any part of the planet. GlobalListings.ws facilitates such business. We don't pollute our database with millions of low-quality free ads. Rather, we value the time of our visitors and offer them quality postings. We don't impose artificial expiration dates – the ads may remain online as long as they are relevant.

News from GlobalListings.org:

GlobalListings.org Targets craigslist and eBay, Offers Newer, Better Classified Experience

NEW YORK, March 5. 2010 — Let's face it: craigslist's heyday as a vital and useful marketplace is past. These days, nearly all that remains is a haven for spam, a mass of confusion and red tape for legitimate users, and a fading realm of influence. It's high time for some improvements on the "community […]