Press Release Headlines

APconnections to Host Complimentary NetEqualizer Training Seminar in Dallas

June 5 event will explore the NetEqualizer's advances in bandwidth shaping and beyond.

LAFAYETTE, Colo., May 23, 2007 — To keep customers up to speed on the continually expanding capabilities of the NetEqualizer, APconnections will offer a complimentary training seminar June 5 at the University of Dallas.

Hosted by company CEO and co-founder Art Reisman, the seminar will be divided into two parts, with the first providing an overview of the NetEqualizer and the second focusing on advanced technical training. The seminar will take place from 1-3 p.m. in lower level room 13 of the Patrick E. Haggerty Science Center on the University of Dallas campus in Irving, TX.

The NetEqualizer is a plug-and-play bandwidth control and WAN/Internet optimization appliance that is flexible and scalable. When the network is congested, NetEqualizer's unique "behavior shaping" technology gives priority to latency sensitive applications, such as VoIP and email. It does it all dynamically and automatically, improving on other bandwidth shaping technology out there. It controls network flow for the best WAN optimization.

Over the past two months, NetEqualizer developments have expanded its capabilities to include bandwidth shaping and VoIP optimization over VLAN, as well as the capacity to serve as an effective CALEA probe.

The seminar is open to current NetEqualizer customers and those simply interested in learning more about the technology. For more details or to reserve a spot, send an e-mail to Email or call 303-997-1300, extension 101.

Additional information on the NetEqualizer can be found at: For a campus map and directions, click here: .

APconnections is a privately held company founded in 2003 and is based in Lafayette, Colorado.

David Wallace

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