Press Release Headlines

APconnections Announces a Field Guide to Choosing Bandwidth Controllers

LAFAYETTE, Colo., April 20, 2010 — APconnections, the makers of the popular NetEqualizer bandwidth controller, today announced their new product agnostic guide to choosing the right traffic shaping appliance.

"We were searching the Internet to see if any organization had published an unbiased guide in what to look for in a bandwidth controller," said Eli Riles, APconnections vice president of training. "Perhaps there is a trade magazine that covers this, but we could not find it, so we decided to publish an objective guide on what to look for when choosing a bandwidth controller. Yes, we obviously hope that people will choose our solution when appropriate, but equally important is that they find the right solution."

The guide can be found in the NetEqualizer news blog at:

For more information, contact APconnections at 1-800-918-2763 or via email at Email.

The NetEqualizer is a plug-and-play bandwidth control and WAN/Internet optimization appliance that is flexible and scalable. When the network is congested, NetEqualizer's unique "behavior shaping" technology gives priority to latency-sensitive applications, such as VoIP and email. It does it all dynamically and automatically, improving on other bandwidth shaping technology available.

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