Press Release Headlines

AllBackoffice Consulting Celebrates 5th Anniversary, Announces 54% Growth in 2013

Outsourcing solution for RIAs expects additional 50% growth in 2014

RALEIGH, N.C., April 25, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — AllBackoffice Consulting, LLC, a managed operations provider to independent registered investment advisors, today announced their 2013 growth figures. The rapid growth of 54% experienced by AllBackoffice coincides with the firm's five-year anniversary in April.

"RIAs don't need more automation and technology to serve their clients – they need help managing the technology they already have in coordination with their ongoing technology evolution. This is what AllBackOffice does. With very little marketing, we now support nearly 70 clients," said Julien Mordecai, Managing Partner, CEO, and Founder of AllBackoffice Consulting. "RIAs are attracted to AllBackoffice because of our high quality services and exceptional people that take the challenge out of running a back office. We are well-positioned for growth and are excited about further supporting the industry with new initiatives later this year," Mordecai said.

"AllBackoffice was founded with the vision that independent investment advisors are uniquely positioned to serve high net worth clients better than large institutions, but only when they can focus on these clients and not their operations," added Jeff LaMay, who focuses on business development efforts at AllBackoffice. "More integration leads to more time with clients and less time on administration and compliance. As entrepreneurs, RIAs face unique technological and operational challenges – and they do not have the massive infrastructure support of their corporate competitors. AllBackoffice alleviates these challenges by providing independent advisors with the operational support and technology expertise they require, without locking them into a proprietary platform or an inherently conflicted financial services company infrastructure," concluded LaMay.

About AllBackoffice Consulting

AllBackoffice Consulting makes running a back office easy. Through a comprehensive array of operational services including portfolio accounting and administration, billing, performance reporting, held away account aggregation, data integration, and client web reporting, AllBackoffice helps to ensure that advisors can focus on client service instead of operational challenges. With the traditional independent RIA as its model, AllBackoffice Consulting excels at providing outsourced managed technology along with a commitment to limit conflicts of interest.  AllBackoffice is focused on helping advisors leverage tools and processes to run an efficient and scalable back office.  For more information, please visit

Media Contact:
Leesy Palmer
Impact Communications, Inc.
(913) 649-5009