Press Release Headlines Partners with Professional Organizers to Help Busy Families Get Organized

With a nod to New Year's Resolutions and NAPO's Get Organized Month, launches its Featured Organizer program to help busy moms by incorporating organizing and time management tips from international organizing experts

PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 19, 2011 — Joanne Lang, Founder and CEO of Philadelphia-based Web startup (, is committed to simplifying life for busy moms, both through her company's online family information management service and now through its partnerships with professional organizers. To this end, Lang has just launched's Featured Organizer program ). The program showcases three different professional organizers each week, each sharing their organizing philosophies and recommendations through interview blog posts and custom-tailored tips with links to the organizers' sites for customers to reference inside the AboutOne app. With this new program, the company aims to be a one stop shop for busy parents, not only to help manage family life, but also as a place where they can get acquainted with professionals from across the globe who will help them simplify their lives.

"Like AboutOne, professional organizers create order from chaos, give you control over your life and peace of mind, and help you function more effectively," says Lang. "They help you reclaim time and space for what's important. During the development process, AboutOne's designers worked closely with professional organizers to ensure that the service would offer real time savings and reduce paper clutter for customers. We have chosen to feature professional organizers on our site so that more people can benefit from their advice, both in time and money savings."

AboutOne Advisory Board member and productivity / organization specialist, Stephanie LH Calahan of Calahan Solutions, Inc. ( shared, "I have been honored to work with AboutOne since early in the design phase of the product. The entire team has consistently been focused on listening to users and creating a tool that would offer real time savings and reduce paper clutter for customers. The creation of the Featured Organizer program further emphasizes how AboutOne understands the needs of busy families everywhere."

AboutOne's core values include a focus on sustainability and a belief that being green makes business sense. The product's emphasis on reducing paper is just one example of this focus. Julie Seibert, owner of Healing Through Organization ), is the first professional organizer in North Carolina to specialize in being green. "AboutOne is one of the few products that I recommend to clients. It is easy to use, keeps you organized and is green," states Seibert. "The Featured Organizer program has provided such great exposure for professional organizers. There are many wonderful organizers, with different styles and personalities, and this program allows people to find an organizer that meets their needs!"

AboutOne's ability to provide a central location where busy parents can maintain and readily access household information holds great appeal to organizers who advocate reducing paper clutter and streamlining tasks associated with running a household. According to New Mom Organizing Expert Stacey Crew (, author of The Organized Mom, "Organizing a family's time and space is one thing, but organizing memories and household information is another. As busy parents, we're all looking for easy ways to store and manage family information. When this information is stored in one place, accessible anywhere, it gives you peace of mind and that's what organizing is all about."


AboutOne ( is a secure online service that makes it easier for moms to manage family life by providing one convenient location to quickly and easily store and manage family memories (text, photos and videos) and household information (health, possession, and education records, contacts and more) and providing the ability to access this data, at home or away, with a computer, cell phone, or other Web-enabled device.

For more information, Contact:
Katrine Kubis at Email.

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